November 29, The2nd China Financial Talents Management and Practice White Paper Launching Eventand Seminar, organized by CUFE Business School and co-organized byRuizheng Talent Consulting, was asuccess.Professor Wang Ruihua,Dean of CUFE Business School,Professor Yu Guangtao, Vice Dean ofCUFE Business School,Professor Zhu Fei, Director of theDepartment of Organization and HRM, CUFE Business School,Ms. XieJianqiao, VGM ofRuizheng TalentConsulting, Ms. Wu Meihua from Ruizheng Talent Consulting,Mr. Liu Ning, Senior VP of CSCL,were present. Over 80 senior managers from HRM departments of the financialsector and experts in related fields were attended. Over 2700 subscribersparticipated in the event online. The Launching Event and Seminar was hosted byDr. Jiang Feng, Associate Professor from CUFE Business School.

A brief releasingceremony was launched forThe 2ndChina Financial TalentsManagement and PracticeWhitePaper: New technology, new generation, and new leadership, which wasthe second phase of the series of cooperative research between Department ofOrganization and HRM, CUFE Business School, and Ruizheng Talent Consulting. Atthe launching ceremony, Professor Zhu Fei, on behalf of the research team, saidthat, following the publication ofThe China Financial Talents Management andPractice White Paper: Transformation, Innovation and changes in Talent Managementin 2017. Based on the context of that the development and transformation of thefinancial sector driven by new technology, the CUFE-Ruizheng research teamfocused on talent management and leadership development of the new generation,and concluded a series of research results. One of the main advantages of the currentresearch is the “insight into the future based on data analysis”. The researchteam collected data from a large sample of questionnaires for managers as wellas new generation employees from the financial sector, Ruizheng’s cases basedon online and offline talent evaluation data for managers of the financialsector in the past nine years, as well as annual reports of financial companies.The total number of the valid human resources data samples is 16744 (annual reportsdata excluded).

Professor WangRuihua, Dean of CUFE Business School, addressed a speech. Dean Wang said that, intellectualcontributions in management were an important part of the business school’smission. Discovering issues and doing research on the basis of managementpractice had become the common view of the management research field. Thelong-time collaboration between CUFE Business School andRuizhengConsulting had made it possible for research cooperationbased on CUFE’s advantages in financial sector and Ruizheng’s database of HRMcases. The research findings had been published in the form of White Papers intwo consecutive years, which was a great model of cooperation, and wasbeneficial to both academic research and enterprise practice.

Mr. Liu Ning,Senior VP of CSCL, Professor Zhu Fei, PhD candidate supervisor,Director of theDepartment of Organization and HRM, CUFEBusiness School, and Ms. Xie Jianqiao, VGM of Ruizheng Talent Consulting,were invited to give keynote speeches focused onnew technology, new generation, andnew leadership, respectively.

Mr. LiuNing gave a keynote speechon thetopic ofNew technology: Case study in financial enterprises driven bytechnology. Mr. Liu made a comparative analysis of the cases from traditionalinsurance companies and internet insurance companies andpointed out that,driven by new technology, therequirements of the organizational structure of financial enterprises fortalent abilities as well as human resource management are changing. The organizationalstructure tends to be flat and networked; the inner boundary is blurred; newpositions require more of diversity, integration and specialization for employeeabilities. In the process of human resource management, new requirements areput forward for performance evaluation, collaboration among various skill-backgroundstaff, HRM cost, career development, etc.

As Chief Expert fromCUFE side in the research team, Professor Zhu Feigave a keynote speech on the topic ofNew generation: Thefuture of investigation, characterization and Management. Based on theresearch upon massive data analysis for labor market, Professor Zhu viewed that,the management for new generation employees had become an important challengefor financial enterprises which would become even more obvious in the nextdecade. According to the data analysis results based on a large number ofquestionnaires and interviews,Professor Zhumade acomprehensive and systematic explanation for the new generation’s behavior characteristics,career choice, career values, and career success views, etc. Professor Zhu pointedout that, employee experience quality was one of the core issues for futuretalent management in enterprises, financial enterprises included. Employeeexperience management would become one of the core functions of enterprisehuman resources management.

As Chief Expertfrom Ruizheng side,Ms. XieJianqiao, VGM of Ruizheng Talent Consulting, gave a keynote speech on the topicofNew leadership: The practice of leadership development of financial managementtalents. Based on the 7661 pieces of leader talents profiles concluded fromdata analysis results of hundreds of real-life projects by applying assessmentmethods such as interviews and situational simulation, and 6215 pieces ofonline evaluation data covering various dimensions such as personality,intelligence, and style, Ms. Xie revealed the real world of leadership behindthe data, and further analyzes upon the leadership data and the characteristicsand traits data. The most obvious difference between TOP and non-TOP is theinnovation ability, followed by implementation driving and system thinking. Forthe overall results prediction, more emphasis of implementation was put foroffice level, interpersonal skills for division level, while innovation andchange for senior level.

Senior managers ofHRM in financial enterprises and experts in related fields said that, concludedbased on massive and solid data, the “2018’ White Paper on HRM Practice inFinancial Sector in China” contained rich contents, in-depth views, andexcellent keynote speeches. The speeches were impressive, forward-looking,instructive, and inspiriting, which provided with more forward-lookingsolutions for financial enterprises’ employee management and leadershipimprovement of the new generation in the context of new technology. The 2ndChina Financial Talents Management and Practice White Paper Launching Event wassuccessfully held in Beijing. Next, the CUFE-Ruizheng collaborative researchteam would also conduct sub-forums to further share and discuss their researchresults. Please pay attention.