Academic Qualifications
2004 - 2008 Heriot-WattUniversity, UK, Ph.D.
2009 - 2011 Friedrich-AlexanderUniversity of Erlangen Nuremberg, Germany,Post-doctoralscholar
2003 - 2004 GeorgiaInstitute of Technology, USA, Visiting scholar
Research Interests
Green supply chain management; Supplychain finance
Teaching Activities Involved
Supply chain management; Green supplychain management
1.Journal papers
(1)Liu, X.,Sun, R., Wang, S. and Wu, Y. C. (2019). The research landscapeof big data: A bibliometric analysis.Library Hi Tech(SSCI).(inpress)
(2) Zhi, B.,Liu, X.*, Chen, J. and Jia, F. (2019).Collaborative CO2emission reduction in supply chains: anevolutionary game-theoretic study.Management Decision(SSCI).(online)
(3)Liu, X.*and McKinnon, A. (2019).Practical relevance of theory-driven supply chain managementresearch: evidence from China.International Journal of Logistics Management(SSCI),Vol. 30 No.1, pp.76-95.
(4)Liu, X.(2018). LRN 2016 SPECIAL - the antecedents and consequences ofreduction within a supply chain collaboration orientation of CO2emissions: evidence from China,International Journal of Logistics Researchand Applications (SSCI),Vol.21 No.2, pp.160-175.
(5)Liu, X.*and Zhou, L.(2017). The role of anorchestrator of 3PLs in supply chain finance: a conceptual framework,Operations and Supply Chain Management: an InternationalJournal,Vol.10 No.1, pp.17-24.
(6)Liu, X.*and McKinnon, A. (2016). Theory development in China-basedsupply chain management research: a literature review.International Journalof Logistics Management (SSCI), Vol.27 No.3, pp.972-1001.
(7) Liu, X, Wu, Y.C. and Goh, M. (2016). Collaborativeacademic–industry SCM research and knowledge building.InternationalJournal of Logistics Research and Applications (SSCI),Vol.19 No.1,pp.19-40.
(8) Liu, X., Zhou, L. and Wu, Y.C. (2015). Supply chain finance inChina: business innovation and theory development.Sustainability (SSCI),Vol.7,pp.14689-14709.
(9) Liu, X. (2014). China-based logistics research: a review of theliterature and implications.International Journal of Physical Distributionand Logistics Management (SSCI),Vol. 44 No. 5, pp. 392-411.
(10)Liu, X.(2011). Competitiveness of logistics service providers: a cross-nationalexamination of management practices in China and the UK.InternationalJournal of Logistics Research and Applications (SSCI),Vol. 14 No. 4, pp.251-269.
(11)Liu, X.,Grant, D., McKinnon, A. and Feng, Y. (2010). An empirical examination of thecontribution of capabilities to the competitiveness of logistics serviceproviders: a perspective from China.International Journal of PhysicalDistribution and Logistics Management (SSCI),Vol. 40 No.10, pp. 847-866.
(12)Liu, X.,McKinnon, A., Grant, D. and Feng, Y. (2010). Sources of competitiveness forlogistics service providers: a UK industry perspective.Logistics Research(Scopus), Vol. 2 No.1, pp. 23-32.
2. Book and book chapter
(1)Liu, X.*,McKinnon, A. and Wei, N. (2018).Ananalysis of energy-related CO2emissions from China’s logisticsindustry in Liu, X. (eds)Environmental Sustainability inAsian Logistics and Supply Chains.Springer. ISBN: 978-981-13-0450-7.
(2)Liu, X.(2018).EnvironmentalSustainability in Asian Logistics and Supply Chains.Springer.ISBN:978-981-13-0450-7
(3)Liu, X.(2015)The competitiveness of logistics service providers: an investigation in Chinaand the UK, China Book Press, ISBN: 9787506845670
(4) Wong, N.and Liu, X. (2010)Growth strategies in emerging markets: examples from thelogistics industryin the People’s Republic of China in the Handbook ofContemporary Marketing in China: Theories and Practices, Hauppauge, NY: NovaScience Publishers. ISBN: 9781617616891
Research Projects(Principal Investigator)
(1) Theorybuilding of China-based supply chain management (National Social ScienceFoundation of China, No. 15BGL002)
(2) 3PL-basedsupply chain integration in the context of low-carbon economy: antecedents andconsequences (Beijing Natural Science Foundation, No: 9162015)
(3) Aninvestigation of China-based supply chain theory development(theMinistry of Education (China) of Humanities and Social Science project, No.14YJA630034)
(4) Financingservice innovation of logistics industry(ChinaSociety of Logistics/ China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing, No.2014CSLKT2-006)
Honors and Honorary Services
(1) Committee member.Ministry of Education’s Steering Committeeon the Teaching of Logistics Management and Logistics Engineering in HigherEducational Institutions.
(2) Vice chairman, The International Federation of Logistics &SCM Systems.
(3) Member of expert committee, Research Institute of Supply ChainManagement, China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing (CFLP)
(4) The recipient of a Highly Commended Award of the Emerald/EFMDOutstanding Doctoral Research in the Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementCategory (2008)