Dr. Andreas Neus
Head of Future and University Programs and Deputy Managing Director
GfK Verein, Nuremberg, Germany
Andreas Neus serves asHead of Future and University Programs and Deputy Managing Directorfor GfK Vereinin Nürnberg, a non-profit think tank for the advancement of market research. His projects and teaching focuson innovation, digital transformation, and the future of market research. Previously he was a Senior ManagingConsultant with IBM’s Strategy & Change practice and a Senior Researcher at the Karlsruhe Service ResearchInstitute (KSRI) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). In 2009he launched the Service Innovation Lab at KIT, which he headed until 2012. Before this, he was theMedia & Entertainment EMEA Lead for the Institute for Business Value in Amsterdam, IBM’s business thinktank, where he was responsible for studies on the transformation and digitization of the media industry.His research focus is on innovation in information-intensive industries andhe has been responsible for managing complex strategy and transformation projects for major international clientsacross Europe and North America.
Andreas has authored a number of publications on innovation, change and new business models and developedthe Service Innovation curriculum at KIT. Heholds a degree in Psychology with a minor in Communications Research from Bonn University, and a Doctorate inEconomics and Management from KIT. His empirical dissertation examined the motivation factors for successfullyintegrating customers in open innovation projects.