14 July 2021, CUFE Business School held the Academic FrontierSymposiumin Supply Chain Management. The School invited Professor Liu Zhixue, Vice Chairman of the Teaching Steering Committee of Logistics Management and Level-2 Professor (Professors in China fall into 4 levels) from School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and ProfessorZhao Lindu, Vice Chairman of the Logistics Education Committee and Chair Professor from Southeast University, as keynote speakers.The presentation of Professor Liu Zhixue wasthe Development of Smart Supply Chain Management System. The presentation ofProfessor Zhao Lindu wasSupply Chain Disruption Innovation. Professor Liu Xiaohong fromCUFE Business School, member of the Logistics Education Committee and deputy leader of the Supply Chain Management Professional Committee, hosted theSymposium.
The Symposium had promoted the frontier academic research in supply chain management of CUFE Business School.

Professor Liu Zhixue

Development of Smart Supply Chain Management System

Professor Zhao Lindu

Supply Chain Disruption Innovation

Group Picture