April 22, 2021, CUFE Business School held the 131st Lecture of the Distinction Academic and OBHRM Frontier Lecture series. Dr.Zhang Yan,Associate Professor from School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, Peking University was invited to give the speech. Over 30 faculty and students were attended.

Dr.Zhang Hongyu from the Department of Organization and Human Resource Management hosted the event. Dr.Zhang Yan’s main research interests include management psychology, leadership, team, and conflict management. Her research results have been published in Academy of Management Journal, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process, Human Resource Management, The Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Relations, Journal of Management Science and other top journals at home and abroad. She has presided over a number of National Natural Science Foundation projects. She also serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Management and Management and Organization Review.

The topic of Dr.Zhang Yan’s speech was "How do founding CEOs infuse paradoxical elements into each other when managing tensions? A Yin-Yang view". Based on the management situation and current situation in China, Dr. Zhang found and analyzed the frontier issues in the field of organization and management from the perspective of Yin and Yang in traditional Chinese culture, and discusses how Chinese CEOs manage conflicts in the process of organizational development.

During the discussion session, Dr. Zhang answered questions and explained their doubts in terms of research models, difficulties and problems in qualitative research, and the impact of the differences between Chinese and Western concepts on organizational management. Combining her experience and the research process of contradictory leadership, Dr. Zhang introduced how she found opinions and evidence in literature and practice in a simple way. Dr.Zhang Yan's speech greatly promoted academic exchanges.