The courses Marketing delivered by Professor Zhang Yunqi from Department of Marketing, and Human Resource Management delivered by Professor Zhu Fei from Department of Human Resource Management, were reviewed as National First-class Online Courses for Undergraduates.
Professor Zhang Yunqi’s course Marketing had been delivered for 7 times on MOOC. The structure, contents, and delivering mood of the course were reviewed innovative and forward-prospective, therefore were very popular among students. The course had more than 130,000 online subscribers.
Professor Zhu Fei’s course Human Resource Management put stress on content logicality and considered the integration of fundamental and frontier contents. The course had been delivered for 5 times and had more than 60,000 online subscribers. The course had received positive feedback from those students.
CUFE Business School always paid attention to the improvement of the quality of undergraduate education and teaching. In recent years, CUFE Business School promotes AOL, supports teaching reform projects, and organizes teaching methodology lectures, to encourage teaching innovation and promote learning outcomes.