28 September 2019, the6thclassof theBusiness Leaders Training Camp held an expanding training session.Dr. Liu Xiaoyuan, Head of theDepartment of Strategy,and all students of the 6thclass wereattended.
The game for the warm-upsession was picture sorting puzzles. The students were divided into threeteams,Team XYY, Team GTQ, andTeam XYY the Driver.

In the TB session, thestudents got to know each other in a short time and made preparation for thefollowing games.
The formal competition wasright after the warm-up and TB sessions.

The first game for the competitionwas “one play and the other one guess”, which required innovation and quickthinking. Team XYY the Driver won the game after the intensive competition.

The second game was “passingon the paper tapestably”. Team XYY and Team XYY the Driver had a majorcompetition.

After several games, thestudents got to know each other well and cooperate much better. The final gamewas the “balloon wars”. All teams played hard withvigorousefforts and fine cooperation. Team XYY won thechampionship in the end.

After all the game sessions,Dr. Liu Xiaoyuan, Head of the Department of Strategy, made a closing remarks. Allstudents of the 6thclass took a group picture afterwards.

The expanding trainingsession provided an opportunity for students of the 6thclass to interact,which enabled the students of better self-recognition and get to know eachother well. The students learned that it was important to analyze their meritsand accomplishments that each member would contribute to the team in theiruniversity life as well as in their future career, which had enhanced thestudents’ motivation, responsibility, and a sense of community.