Inthe first half of 2019, taking the construction “double first-class” disciplineas the guidance of academic research, CUFE Business School encourages facultyto pay attention to the frontier problems of management, actively invests intheir academic research, and obtains rich academic research contributions.
CUFEBusiness School faculty have published 35 academic papers in Chinese andEnglish journals of Class A and above, including 25 English papers. The list ofpapers is as follows:
Table 1: CUFE Business School facultypublications in category A and above journals

CUFE Business School faculty haveobtained9 projects from NationalNatural Science Fund, 1 project from Beijing Natural Science Fund, and 2projects from the Ministry of Education and the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Table 2:CUFE Business Schoolfacultyundertake vertical projects

CUFE Business School have invited scholars from Cambridge University, HarvardUniversity and other well-known universities home and abroad to give lecturesand held a total of 27 academic lectures in the first half of 2019.
Researchpaper “When do 3PLs initiate low carbon supply chain integration?” by Dr. QianCheng, Dr. Wang Shenghui, and Dr. Liu Xiaohong was awarded The Chris VossHighly Commended Paper Award in the 26thEurOMA Conference.
CUFEBusiness School students participate in international conferences. 22 January2019, Ms. Li Tong, an academic master student, attended theUS association for SmallBusiness and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference and made presentation of herresearch paper.
Ms.Liu Yang, academic master student, and Mr. Chen Zhineng, undergraduate student,attended the POMS Conference on 2-6 May 2019, and made presentations of theirresearch papers.
Ms.Sun Ruiqing, academic master student, attended the 26thEurOMAConference and made presentation of her research paper.
Mr.Yu Haoyang, Mr. Xiao Qin, and Ms. Wen Yan, academic master students, attendedthe POMS International Conference in China on 21-24 June, 2019, and madepresentations of their research papers.
Mr.Xu Zhengda, a PhD candidate, attended the 79thAnnual Meeting of Academyof Management on 9-13 August, 2019, and made presentation of his research paperin the “Emerging topics of International Management” session.

31March 2019, the first Financial Procurement Innovation Lab in China was foundin CUFE. The lab was co-founded by CUFE, JD, and China Financial CentralizedPurchase Network. Professor Wang Ruihua, Dean of CUFE Business School, Mr. WangXiaoguang, President of China Financial Centralized Purchase Network, and Mr.Chen Wei, Head of the Intelligent Procurement Solution Centre, JD, wereselected as co-chair of the lab. Dr. Geng Yong and Professor Yan Nina fromDepartment of Supply Chain and Operations Management, CUFE Business School,were selected as deputy co-chair of the lab.