On May 12, 2019, the PressConference of 2019 GF Securities College Students Micro Entrepreneurship Actionand Lecture on College Students Micro Entrepreneurship was held at CentralUniversity of Finance and Economics (CUFE). This event was jointly sponsored bythe KAB National Promotion Office, the GF Securities Social Charity Foundation,the CUFE Communist Youth League Committee, and the CUFE Business School. DongShi, Deputy Editor-in-Chief ofChina Youth Dailyand Director-General ofthe KAB National Promotion Office, Zhang Shaohua, Chief Supervisor of GFSecurities and a council member of the GF Securities Social Charity Foundation,Li Jiahua, a famous entrepreneurship educator, and Gao Jie, Secretary of theCUFE Communist Youth League Committee, attended and addressed the event. It wasalso attended by over 200 students from KAB entrepreneurial clubs inBeijing-based colleges and universities.

Secretary Gao Jiereviewed the history of and progress in the CUFE’s entrepreneurship educationlaunched in 2007. Specifically, CUFE leveraged the faculty resources of theBusiness School to set up entrepreneurship courses and organize training campsof business leadership, while uniting the strength of the entire university toestablish an all-round entrepreneurship education system that encompassesentrepreneurship education, training and incubation. Gao then expressed hisexpectations for students, encouraging them to seize current opportunities andthose to come in the future and blaze new ground ahead of the times withunwavering dedication.
Dong Shi said that, since2015,China Youth Dailyand the KAB National Promotion Office haveworked together with the GF Securities Social Charity Foundation, professionalfinancial service providers like GF Securities, and universities across thenation to jointly launch the College Students Micro Entrepreneurship Action. Itis an important move to implement the policy of the CPC Central Committee andthe State Council for innovation and entrepreneurship and facilitate the growthof the youth. It is designed to help them start from scratch and micro aspects,preparing them to get off to a good start in innovation and entrepreneurship.
During the themed forumand interaction session, Li Jiahua, a famous entrepreneurship educator, LiuShubin, Editor-in-Chief of AI China website and an expert of the User Committeeof the AIIA Open-Source Opening Group, Shi Yu, a partner of Cheku Cafe, Luo Yi,founder and CEO of Lefull, and Luo Shichuan, a co-founder of PopuMusic, sharedtheir understanding of “micro entrepreneurship.”
“Micro entrepreneurshipis the smallest learning platform. These projects might be small, but theycontain infinite and permanent value,” said Li Jiahua. He believed thatentrepreneurs should resort to venture and offering in order to foster theenergy package of a team. This could include unconditional responsibility,integrity, modesty, sincere communication, and constructive negotiations.
Liu Shubin gave a speechon “Development of AI Industry and Outlook of Entrepreneurship Market.” Henoted that artificial intelligence (AI) has staged a new round of technologicalprogress; key technological breakthroughs in the AI sector are drivingall-round industrial applications; and the AI technology that has madebreakthroughs in deep neural network is the rising star.
Cheku Cafe inZhongguancun, Beijing has an open “entrepreneurial gene” that championssharing, and it has fostered an “entrepreneurship ecological system” built on cafes.One of the Cafe’s partner Shi Yu said, “Starting a business is always aboutthree things: clear strategy, implementation of tactics, and specific moves.Entrepreneurs should be resilient and courageous in order to see it through.”Shi also said that proactive public participation in innovation plays adecisive role in fueling social and economic transformation.
In 2018, the long-termapartment rental service provider Lefull received more than RMB 100 million inits series B financing. Its founder and CEO Luo Yi said that starting abusiness is nothing but a choice, among all the choices in a lifetime. Anexcellent entrepreneur should be optimistic, wise and modest, while being ableto look beneath the surface. Lefull has experienced some adjustments fromdeveloping its own projects at the very beginning to acting as a trusteeorganization. If anything, these experiences have enabled Lefull to embark on amore robust course.
Established in April2015, PopuMusic has rolled out several smart musical instruments. According toLuo Shichuan, PopuMusic is on the way to becoming the “Nintendo in the musicfield.” Like Nintendo, PopuMusic considers games as a tool, one that makeslearning to play musical instruments easier with more fun. He said, “PopuMusicplays with a possibility that musical instrument education can be enabled byman-machine interaction, as a supplement to traditional music education.”
Zhang Shaohua said at thelaunching ceremony that, from 2015 to 2018, the GF Securities Social CharityFoundation and the KAB National Promotion Office held four sessions of the“College Students Micro Entrepreneurship Action,” which spread the innovationculture that champions “a pioneering spirit and tolerance of failures.” Overthe past four years, the Foundation has supported 200 college studentsentrepreneurship teams with funds totaling RMB 3.5 million, helped them toreach a cooperative intention with angel investment and venture capital outfitson their own projects, and continuously tracked and facilitated theentrepreneurial practice of college students. It will continue to provide RMBone million to support the development of 50 micro entrepreneurship projectsthis year.
It is learned that on theoccasion of the fifth anniversary of the College Students MicroEntrepreneurship Action, in order to further boost the strategy of ruralrevitalization and reward college students starting new businesses in theirhometowns, the Action will set up ten awards for innovation projects of ruralrevitalization this year and go ahead with the Lecture and microentrepreneurship camps by inviting experts, investors and budding entrepreneursto share their insights.