On the afternoon of March 16, 2019, the first session of Center Plan of “CareerGuide into the Future” of the Business School, Central University of Financeand Economics (CUFE) was concluded successfully at the lecture theater of theMBA Education Center. The lecturer of this session was Pan Changhe, a graduateof Class 2004 and Vice General Manager of the Department of Human Resources ofBeijing Branch, China Guangfa Bank. Ge Jianxin, Party Secretary of the CUFE BusinessSchool, attended the event.
PartySecretary Ge Jianxin addressed the event.

PartySecretary Ge Jianxin presented the appointment letter of Pioneering Mentor of “CUFEBusiness School Plan of Career Guide into the Future” to Pan Changhe and took aphoto with him.

Themedon “Decryption of Bank Recruitment,” Pan peeled off complex recruitment mattersin the banking sector.

Pandivided his lecture into three parts. First, he decrypted the complicatedrecruitment procedures of banks and analyzed the remuneration structures andlevels of state-owned banks, joint stock commercial banks, and online financialbanks. Next, he shared some useful tips on bank interviews by citing real cases.At the end of his lecture, he elaborated on how to make informed career plans forlong-term development in the banking sector.

Studentsraised all kinds of questions in the Q&A session. Pan shared insightful opinionsabout how to prepare for written tests and interviews, leaderless groupdiscussions, importance of education background, whether females are in adisadvantaged position in job hunting, and what posts hold the greatestpotential with them.

TheCenter Plan of “Career Guide into the Future” is a career development guideprogram designed by the CUFE Business School based on the characteristics ofthe School’s disciplines and alumni resources to help students secure personal growthand realize their own value. It drives the long-term career development ofstudents with systematic, consistent and professional assistance, guide andsupport. The School will invite more alumni to share their valuable experience withstudents in career development, industry updates, and workplace practices.