To celebrate the great achievements of psychology and social progress over thepast 40 years of reform and opening-up, the “Strength of Humanity — Forum on 40Years of Reform and Opening-up and the Development of Psychology,” jointlysponsored by the Professional Committee of Personality Psychology, ChinesePsychological Society, and Beijing Psychological Society, and organized by theBusiness School of Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) andResearch Center for Personality and Social Psychology at Peking University, washeld at Room 202 of the Academy Hall, CUFE on December 30, 2018.
Atthe very beginning, Professor Wang Ruihua, Dean of the CUFE Business School andDirector of the MBA Education Center, extended a warm welcome to the attendeespresent at the Forum in CUFE.

ThenProfessor Wang Dengfeng from the School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciencesof Peking University, Director of the Department of Physical, Health and ArtsEducation of the Ministry of Education, delivered a keynote speech.

ProfessorXu Yan from the School of Philosophy and Sociology of Beijing Normal Universityanalyzed with lucidity, based on her long-time exploration, the developmentcharacteristics and changes in the values of Chinese teens over the 40 years ofreform and opening-up. Researcher Zhu Tingshao from the Institute ofPsychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences introduced the application of big data topersonality study.

Laterin the afternoon, Professor Su Yanjie from the School of Psychological andCognitive Sciences of Peking University started with a report titledCompositionand Development of Heterogeneous Empathy. Her colleague Professor Gan Yiqunhad a discussion with the audience on the impact of future orientations onstress coping. Another colleague, Associate Professor Hou Yubo, delivered areport entitled40 Years of Reform and Opening-up and the Development ofChinese Personality from the View of Society-Individual-Technology.

ProfessorXin Ziqiang, Dean of the School of Sociology and Psychology, CUFE, made a speechonHuman Heart and Humanity in Social Changes. Jiang Feng, Associate Professorof the CUFE Business School, shared an interesting research themed onEvolution of Covariant Relations between Mate Selection and PersonalCharacteristics.

ProfessorJiang Feng hosted the lucky draw session where 19 students were chosen for agift, i.e., a book titledIn Search of theChinese Self,autographed bythe author Professor Zhu Ying. Finally, Professor Su Yanjie made concludingremarks.