On the afternoon of November 18, 2018, the election of the 15thPresidium of the MBA Federation of Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE),presided over by Wang Yuchao, Chairman of the 14th MBA Federation, was heldsuccessfully at Room A28 of the CUFE MBA Education Center. The selection committeewas comprised of teacher representative Kong Weiming, presidium representativesof Class 2017, and student representatives of Class 2018.

Host: Wang Yuchao,Chairman of the 14th MBA Federation
Before the election, the staff handed out well-prepared candidateresumes to every judge for reference in rating. As judges and candidates tooktheir seats, Chairman Wang Yuchao expressed ardent expectations for the new federation,encouraging its new presidium, business as usual, to integrate existingresources, create inter-departmental synergy, provide services to studentsenthusiastically, and further expand the influence of CUFE MBA education. Then,he gave a thorough introduction to the election rules and selection standards ofthis election.
As the election of the 15th Presidium of the CUFE MBA Federationwas kicked off, following the sequence determined in a draw before theelection, 14 candidates made their respective speeches and answered questionsin public. In merely a dozen minutes, candidates fully demonstrated theirability, resource advantages, future career plans, and outlooks. Judges weredeeply impressed by their strong sense of responsibility and dedication, aswell as their keen aspiration for serving fellow students and breaking newgrounds with innovative efforts.

Candidate No. 1: ZhaoYingfan Candidate No. 2: Wang Ying

Candidate No. 3: FengTingting Candidate No. 4: Wang Xinyi

Candidate No. 5: YangWeiyan Candidate No. 6: Zhang Bing

Candidate No. 7: ZengGongxing Candidate No. 8: Liu Shuang

Candidate No. 9: ZhangMeng Candidate No. 10: Xie Jun

Candidate No. 11: MaTengbao Candidate No. 12: Feng Cheng

Candidate No. 13: WangQuantong Candidate No. 14: Zhao Man
Talent show ofcandidates
After the campaign speech, under the principle of democracy,justice and openness, the selection committee cast ballots. Han Shasha,Secretary General of the 14th MBA Federation, called out the names ofcandidates being voted for on the scene and four students both on and off stagecounted votes. Based on the on-site poll results, after a comprehensive review,members of the 15th Presidium of the CUFE MBA Federation were elected asfollows:
Chairman: Ma Tengbao
Secretary General: ZhaoYingfan
Vice Chairman: FengCheng
Vice Chairwoman: LiuShuang
Vice Chairman: Xie Jun

A group photo ofcandidates and selection committee members