Business School NewsNews
Talent Development Lecture Series “Insight into the Future”(III) Held Successfully
Date :2018-01-10

On the evening of January 10, 2018, the “Insight into the Future”(III), a serial course of talent development, co-sponsored by the BusinessSchool of Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) and Huan-hangBusiness School, organized by the Department of Career Development of the CUFEBusiness School, was successfully held at the lecture theater of the CUFE MBAEducation Center. Special guest Mr.Li Kan, an MBA alumnus from Cheung Kong GraduateSchool of Business (CKGSB), was invited to tell the “inside story behindhundreds of millions of orders” centering on the internet of things, a hotbedof military, rail transit, and network security.FengYunfei, a CUFE alumnus and Dean of Huan-hang Business School, presided over thelecture. A crowd of MBA students from the CUFE Business School attended withgreat enthusiasm, actively interacting with guests regarding occupationalexperience as well as other questions about career planning.


In-depthpeer sharing by CISI  


Mr. Li Kan,an MBA alumnus from CKGSBand Spanish IE Business School, and General Manager of ADLINK TechnologyBeijing


LiKan, a graduate from Beijing Institute of Technology, Spanish IE BusinessSchool and CKGSB MBA programs, and General Manager of ADLINK TechnologyBeijing, boasts 20-year experience in managing B2B marketing of countless largehigh-tech products worth millions of or tens of millions of yuan. He hasconducted intensive research on a variety of fields including national defense,military, rail transit, and network security.


When it comes to career planning, Li cited his own experiences.Despite only two successive jobs throughout his career, he has accumulated 20years of work experience. He sincerely exhorted MBA students from the CUFEBusiness School to make proper occupational choices and career plans. As hesaid, “It takes you five years to gain a deep insight into an industry.”Therefore, he suggested students weigh their self-development against the sizeand status of an enterprise. He also asked them to keep reading and conductingin-depth thinking in their life, always think outside the box, and makeoccupational innovations so that they can rival their counterparts in anincreasingly competitive and versatile market.






Guests posed for a photo


The lecture was concluded with a speech by Feng Yunfei, Dean ofHuan-hang Business School. He highly appreciated the sincere sharing of Mr. Li,and mentioned a few anecdotes in Mr. Li’s school-hood as well as his clear-cutcareer anchor to exhort students to make clear career planning. He alsoexpressed expectations for the serial course of talent development “Insightinto the Future” to foster its own brand features, so as to better serve MBAstudents in furthering their academic and occupational development in the nearfuture.


Bythis point, the Talent Development Lecture Series “Insight into the Future”(III) co-sponsored by the CUFE Business School & Huan-hang Technology cameto a successful conclusion.



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