17 January 2019,CUFEBusiness SchoolParty Committeeheld the 2018 Party Branch Secretary Report and Assessment Seminar. Professor GeJianxin, Secretory ofCUFE BusinessSchool Party Committee, Ms. Han Lan, Party Organizer of CUFE BusinessSchool Party Committee, and allsecretariesof Party branchesunder the CUFE Business School Party Committee attendedthe seminar.

According to the regulations of the CUFEParty Committee as well as the CUFE Business School Party Committee,all secretaries of Party branches would report their work from the followingaspects, such as President Xi’sthoughts of Socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Spirit of the 19thParty Conference in the new era, standardization construction of Party branches,Party member development, best practices of the Party branches, and continuousimprovement and innovation, etc.
Party branch secretary Wang Shenghui, Yan Liqun, Kong Weiming,and Dong Shuo’s points of view inspired a lively discussion.
ProfessorGecommented on the reportsand daily work of each Party branch. Professor Ge appraised the achievementsandproposed expectations foreach Party branch.

Professor Gestressedthat, the work of the Party branches as well as the corresponding secretariesmust align with the Central Party Committee, enhancing the learning of PresidentXi’s thoughts of Socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Spirit of the19thParty Conference in the new era would be the key issue of theParty branch work in 2019. ThePartyconstructionmust be in alignment with the development and innovation ofthe faculty and students, and the secretary of each Party branch must take ideologicalwork as a key issue.
ProfessorGe also provided suggestions on Party branch construction and Party issuesresearch etc., and discussed the work planning of 2019 with the secretaries. Inthe closing remarks, ProfessorGe said that the seminar was a summary as well as a discussion. Professor Gehoped that the Party branches would learn from each other, and achieve moreaccomplishments in the future.