19 December 2018, CUFEBusiness School andCluBearheldthe Data Science Practice Project Sharing Meeting in MBA Education Centre. Theproject aimed to solve the “last 1 mile” problems in classroom and industrialpractice of data science. Through the remote training mode of the co-opteaching team, students could complete the specific tasks ofSEM (Search Engine Marketing)bythemselves, experience the real practice scene in enterprises, gain experiences,and achieve the practical purpose of combining knowledge with practiceeventually.
The meeting washosted by Professor Li Ji.Ms.Chang Ying from CluBearwas invited for a comment and summary session forthe meeting. The theme of the meeting was “Data Analysis and Your Future”.Future career development suggestions were summed up based on data analysis. Studentsfrom all degree levels of CUFE Business School attended the meeting.

Ms. ChangYing is a Senior Researcher and Chief Officer of Curriculum Development fromCluBear.Ms. Changalso worksas part-time lecturer in Xi’an Eurasia University.Ms. Changreceived her MS in Business Statistics from Guanghua School of Management, PKU.Ms. Changhad been focusingon the research of internet data analysis and value realization.Ms. Changonce served for AlibabaGroup, MEILI, Baby Tree, etc. Ms. Chang commented on every student’sperformance in their online practice projects, and presented thePractice Certificates to thestudents. The Practice Certificateimpliedthat the students came for the practical projects had learned and grasped the overallcontents and skills of SEM, which would add value in the students’ futurecareer development.
Mr. Huang Yinzhe, undergraduatestudent, Ms. Li Tong, postgraduate student, Mr. Wang Peng and Mr. Wang Bo, MBAstudents, shared their accomplishments and experience of the practice projects,and expressed their appreciations to the instructors for their supervision andhelp.

After the sharingsession,Ms. Changintroducedthe characteristics of the data analysis as career on the topic of “DataAnalysis and Your Future”, and based on her experience. Ms. Chang also saidthat both demand and supply is vigorous in HRM market of the data analysissector.
After theintroduction session,Ms. Changanalyzed the quality requirements for data analysts, such as way of thinking,way of implementation etc. In the data analysis production chain, data analystsand project managers within the same data team would play their respectiveroles to maximize their value outputs.
Ms. Chang stressedthat working was totally different from studying. The transformation fromstudent status to professionals required to adapt to the changes of the focus oflife and the way of behavior from a knowledge-learning system to solve practicalproblems. Students were supposed to start from professional skills, functionsand industry background, and improve the three-dimension of their abilities, inorder to become a “professional” data analyst.