Inorder to commemorate the Reform and Opening-up Policy and the development ofpsychology, as well as socialdevelopments and achievements during the past 40 years, while review the pastand look forward to the future, the “Power of Human Nature: 40 Years of Reformand Opening-up and the Development of Psychology Forum” was successfully heldin CUFE on 30 December 2018. The forum was jointly chaired by the ProfessionalCommittee of Personality Psychology of the Chinese Psychological Society and theBeijing Psychological Society, and co-chaired by CUFE Business School and theCenter for Personality and Social Psychology Studying,Peking University. 10 guestspeakers from Peking University,BeijingNormal University, CUFE, CAS, etc. were invited to give keynote speeches. Over150 guests from various universities and enterprises such as Baidu, JingshiqinsiEdu Tech, CCTV, Harvest Foundation, etc., were attended.
ProfessorWang Ruihua,Deanof CUFEBusiness School and Director of MBA Education Centre, addressed for the Forum.Dean Wangexpressed his warmwelcome to all guests. Dean Wang said that, the core of economic and managementresearch was human nature. The research development ofpsychologyhad fundamental contributions to betterunderstand human behavior, human psychology, and human nature. In order todevelop management theories right for China and solve the management problems inthe Chinese context, it is essential to understand the Chinese society andaffect Chinese people. Dean Wang sincerely hoped that this forum could set up aplatform of interaction for psychology and business research. Through the communicationplatform, the research contents of different orientations and perspectives couldbe integrated. On the basis of understanding and recognizing people, we wouldbring new and greater contributions to Chinese society through educationalpractice.

ProfessorWang Dengfeng, Chief of Department of Sports, Health and Arts, Ministry ofEducation, and professor of School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences,PekingUniversity,gave a keynote speech.Professor Wangsaid that the present psychologicalresearch and the cultural confidence deficiency were serious. Professor Wang proposedthat, we should deeply rethink on our academic research and education practice.In his keynote speech,Professor Wangexplained the inner relationship betweenpersonality, culture and “Tao”, in details. Professor Wang stressed that instudying Chinese psychology, we must always pay attention to the differences dueto cultural specificities. Professor Zhu Ying, the former head of theDepartment of Psychology at Peking University, gave a keynote speech on thetopic of “Culture and Morality: an Experiment in the Ethics of Self-serviceVehicles”, which explained the ethical decision-makingof self-service vehicles in different cultural clusters. The research findings wereof great significance to the development of autopilot technology, marketingstrategy and related legislation.

ProfessorXu Yan from Beijing Normal University analyzed in details the developmentcharacteristics and changes of Chinese teenagers’ values during the past 40years of the Reform and Opening-up policy, and pointed out that, social valueswere vulnerable to the influence of major social events, and also showedsignificant regional, cultural and gender differences. Professor Zhu Shao, researcherat the Institute of Psychology, CAS, gave a keynote speech regarding theapplication of big data techniques in personality research, and showed theapplication of big data in personality structure, domestic violence personalitystructure, epoch personality structure, and personality recognition,respectively.

Inthe afternoon sessions,Professor SuYanjie fromSchool of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, Peking University,gave a keynote speech on the topic of the Composition and Development of TraitsEmpathy. Professor Sustressed the significant influence of behavior empathy. Based on thecross-section historical meta-analysis of different times and the interpersonalreaction pointer tool, the research studied the empathy level of collegestudents. The research findings showed that from 2008 to 2015, the empathy levelof college students had been rising. There were significant changes in personalsadness and point of view selection. Professor Gan Yiqun from School ofPsychological and Cognitive Sciences, Peking University,gave akeynote speechregarding the influence of future orientation on stressresponse. Experimental and genetic studies showed that the time Doppler effectshad direct effects on people’s stress. Dr. Hou Yubo, Associate Professor fromSchool of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, Peking University, gave a keynotespeech on the topic of 40 years of Reform and Human Nature Development in China:a Socio-Personal-Technological Perspective. The research reviewed thepsychological imprinting brought about by the important historical changes inChina over the past 40 years. The research put forward the ideal personality ofChinese: be yourself; Give back to your family with your achievements; be comfortablewith yourself and be nice to the world.

ProfessorXin Ziqiang, Dean of the School of Social Psychology, CUFE, gave a keynotespeech on the topic of the Human Heart and Human Nature in the Social changes. Bymeans of historical meta-analysis, the changes of various psychologicalindicators of various national groups and their relationship with socialchanges were investigated. It was pointed out that there were many costs in theprocess of social changes: not only the economic and social costs, but also thepsychological costs of changes. Dr. Jiang Feng, Associate Professor from CUFEBusiness School, reported on an interesting study: Coevolution of Mateselection and Personality Traits. Based on Agent-Based Model and cross-culturaldata, the research findings showed that mate preference based on partner valuehad convergence effects of relatively independent traits on a single individual.For example, smart people were more attractive on the outward appearance.

Hostedby Dr. Jiang Feng, 19 lucky students were selected to be awarded a gift booknamed “Finding the Real Self of the Chinese”, signed by Professor Zhu Ying, toencourage them to contribute to the study of Chinese psychology and behavior.At the end of the meeting, Professor Su Yanjie made a concluding speech. Shebelieved that the Reform and Opening-up policy provided a natural experimentalscene for psychological changes, which was a major subject of Chinesepsychology. The policy of Reform and Opening-up not only made great economicachievements, but also brought various social problems that need to be solved.Professor Su encouraged everyone to understand and change the real-worlddilemma. The forum was ended in success.