December5,CUFE Business Schoolhelda Seminar on Overseas Perspective Programs forfirst year undergraduate students. The seminar includedthree sessions,Professor GeJianxin, Secretary of the business school party committee, addressed a speech;Dr. Guo Xiaokun, Director of International Relations, CUFEBusiness School, gave a lecture of introduction on overseas perspective programs;students that participated in last year’s overseas programs shared theirexperience. The seminar was hosted by Ms. Huo Anting, tutor of the first yearundergraduate students.

Dr. GuoXiaokun gave a lecture ofintroductionon overseas perspective programs, CUFE Business School’s oversea partner institutions,the participation of last years’ students, the CUFE International SummerSchool, the reception of international faculty and student delegation, etc. Dr.Guo also introduced the application conditions and procedures, pre-preparationof overseas programs, office consulting services, etc. The lecture providedeffective guidance forstudents to participate in overseasexchange activities.
Studentsparticipated in last year’s overseas programs, Wan Zixin (exchange in EDHEC),Yuan Lu (exchange in University of Edinburgh), Li Linzhen (exchange in EDHEC,internship in GfK Verein), Li Tianshu (exchange in UC Berkeley), Fan Xiaomeng(internship in InterGest Worldwide), Huang Wenyi (internship in InterGestWorldwide), shared their exchange experiences, participation in internationalconferences, overseas internships, etc. with the students present. The contentswere detailed and had provided good reference for the 2018 freshman.

Afterthe seminar and the discussion sessions, Professor Ge Jianxin addressed aspeech.Professor Geintroduced CUFE Business School’s strategies,differentiationand internationalization. Professor Gesaid that, differentiation was mainly reflected in two aspects. On the onehand, it is the difference of subjective perception; on the other hand, it isobjectively different. In the process of talent training,CUFE Business Schools had always been focusing onproviding distinction services and opportunities to its students. While the internationalizationstrategy was immersed into the whole processes and procedures of education suchas teaching, research and student development. CUFE Business Schools had alwaysbeen focusing on the training of thinking and making decisionin the context of internationalizationand thedevelopment of international horizons. In the context of internationalization,it is significant to go abroad, while there were also opportunities to enjoythe international resources at home. Professor Ge hoped that, the students wouldthink about their career development from all aspects, communicate well withtheir parents, plan their college life rationally, and make adequatepreparations for their long-term development of the future.
Thefirst year undergraduate students had deeper understanding of thedifferentiation and internationalization strategies of CUFE Business Schoolafter the seminar, and had been encouraged to participate in international communicationactivities which were beneficial to all students in the context ofinternationalization. From a higher starting point, they should think morecomprehensively about their college life and future career development, whichwould improve the quality of talent training of CUFE Business School.