November 17,the 12th“Sino-Japanese International Seminar on Entrepreneurship Education”jointly sponsored byCUFEBusiness School andOsaka Commercial University in Japan, was a success. Nearly 70 faculty and students from CUFE Business School, the Business Leaders Training Camp and the Osaka Commercial University, as well as Mr. Wang Xiaoqing, Chairman of BeijingShuimuJiutian Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Mr. Yang Xiaoming, General Manager of Financial Institutions Division, DBS Bank, and Mr. Sun Fengchuan, Co-founder and CEO of Shanghai Rouguanchuxin Cultural and Creation Co., Ltd, were attended.

Group picture of the attendeesforthe 12th“Sino-Japanese International Seminar on Entrepreneurship Education”
Professor Ge Jianxin, ChairoftheCUFEBusiness SchoolBoard, hosted the seminar. Professor Wang Ruihua,Deanof the CUFE Business School,delivered the opening address.DeanWangsaid that, the collaborations between CUFE and Osaka CommercialUniversity in the field of entrepreneurship education started in 2004. TheSino-Japanese International Seminar on Entrepreneurship Education was held inBeijing and Osaka in alternate years. And it was the 12thseminarthis year. A stable collaborative mechanism upon mutual trust had been establishedand the international seminars had become a significant platform for thecommunications and learning between faculty and students from the twouniversities. A new round ofcooperation between China and Japan required innovation and enthusiasm from enterprises,and the cultivation of innovative talents had become a significant mission ofhigher education. Dean Wang hoped that the two universities would further enhancethe cooperation and communication and make new contributions to the economicand social recovery and developments of the two countries even the world. Acongratulatory letter from ProfessorTaniokaIchiro, PresidentofOsaka Commercial University,was read out by Ms. Asakawa Eri, representative staff of theComprehensiveCommunication SupportDivision, Osaka Commercial University. In the letter, President Tanioka saidthat, 2019 would be the 70thAnniversary of CUFE. He hoped that thesuccess of the International Seminar on Entrepreneurship Education betweenChina and Japan would serve as an opportunity to promote deeper cooperationbetween the two universities.Professor Son Hishu, Head of Comprehensive BusinessStudies Faculty,Osaka CommercialUniversity, delivered an opening address on behalf of Osaka CommercialUniversity, saying that 11 sessions of the Sino-Japanese International Seminaron Entrepreneurship Education were successfully held in the past years, and theseminar had become a significant platform for the research and communications ofentrepreneurship education between faculty and students from the twouniversities. It providedopportunities for mutual understanding and trust between Chinese and Japaneseyoung people. Professor Son Hishu hoped that the collaborations between the twouniversities would be sustainable and long-lasting.
Professor Ge Jianxin, Chair of the CUFE Business School Board, presidedover the keynote speech sessions.ProfessorSonHishu, Head of Comprehensive Business Studies Faculty,Osaka Commercial University,gave an academic report on the topic of “Labor Productivity”. Professor Sonintroduced the current situation of labor productivity, which had been stable fora few decades, in Japan, and analyzed the underlying reasons. This paper putforward a solution to improve the labor productivity on the basis of theobjective reality regarding theageing of society in Japan.Mr.WangXiaoqing, Chairman of Beijing Shuimu Jiutian Science and TechnologyCo., Ltd. and the professional mentor of the Business Leaders Training Camp, gavea speech on the theme of the “Energy Solution for Modern Agriculture”, based onthe company’s experience in tomato planting. Mr. Wang shared the experience ofoptimizing energy cost by using AI logics and technology to reduce the cost ofcomprehensive energy consumption.
The secondsection of the seminar was for the Entrepreneurial Projects Presentation sessionsby students from both sides, which included 6 sessions and hosted byProfessor Zhou Weizhong, AssociateProfessor Xu Jin, Dr. Zhang Guangli from CUFE Business School, andAssociateProfessorHara Toshiharu,AssociateProfessorHayashi Koji,Associate Professor Harada Sadao from Osaka Commercial University, respectively.12 students from both universities presented their entrepreneurial plans and projects.After the presentation sessions there was a corresponding discussion session. AssociateProfessor Hayashi Koji from Osaka Commercial University and Professor ZhouWeizhong from CUFE commented on the contents and performance of the students’ presentations.

Entrepreneurialprojects presentation sessions by students from both sides
Dr. Liu Xiaoyuan,Associate ProfessorofCUFE Business School, hosted the closing ceremony of theseminar.Upon the discussion ofprofessorsfrom both sides,the reportsComparative Analysis of Green Food, Organic Food andPollution-free Agricultural Productsby Yu Chenxin fromCUFE Business Schooland theSemi-Customizing Business on Cinderella SizeLady's shoesby Chousa HarunafromOsaka Commercial Universitywereawarded the “Best Presentation” prizes of the seminar.ProfessorGe Jianxin andProfessor Son Hishupresented the awards to the students.Professor Yan Hepingand Professor Ge Jianxin gave the closingremarks at the ceremony on behalf of Osaka Commercial University and CUFE,respectively. The 12th“Sino-Japanese International Seminar onEntrepreneurship Education” concluded successfully. The 13thseminarwill be held inOsaka Commercial University in 2019.Professor Zhou Weizhong,ProfessorSon Hishu,Professor YanHeping, andMr. ZhangXiaobing fromCUFEInternational Affairs Divisionacted as interpreters for the seminar.Associate Professor Gu Leilei from CUFEBusiness School, Associate Professor Li Hanjun, Deputy of theCUFE International Affairs Division, Professor Cai Caishi andMr.Zhang Xiaobing from CUFE International AffairsDivision contributed in the pre organization andarrangements of the seminar.

Professor Ge andProfessor Son presented awards to the students
During the seminar,faculty and students from both sidesconducted friendlyand pleasant communications. Mutual understanding and friendship was highlyenhanced. After the seminar, faculty and students from both sides had concludeda deep relationship.

Students attending the Sino-Japanese entrepreneurshipprojects presentation
The success of the seminar thanked to the fullsupport from the University Board Members, theInternationalAffairs Divisionand the TeachingAffairs Division. As a significant activity of the entrepreneurshipeducation at CUFE, the Sino-Japanese International Seminar on Entrepreneurship Educationhad been held successfully for 12 sessions, and formed prestigious brand impactin the field of entrepreneurship education in both China and Japan.