In the period from August 17th to,September 27th, 2018, I was fortunate to participate in jointoverseas internship program between our Business School and the InterGestCorporation. While overseas, I got to experience the different ways Europeansliving and working. During the week, I spent most of my time understanding andfamiliarizing with its current situation and development direction of the Germanmanufacturing industry, while I used weekends to visit neighboring Europeancities. This travel/working experience allowed me to experience various cultureand customs.
In terms of work, I was mainly responsible forproviding Chinese e-commerce related consulting for the German knifemanufacturing company Pfeilring. The rapid development of China'se-commerce sector has attracted world-wide attention. Enterprises from all overthe world are attempting to enter the Chinese e-commerce market. The company Iprovide consulting for also has plans to enter the Chinese e-commerce market, butdue to lack of knowledge and understanding about Chinese consumer’s tastepallet, the progress has been relatively slow. So, my main responsibility is toprovide market and consumer analysis as well as produce a report of China'sonline market opportunities. In order to comprehensively introduce the Chinesee-commerce industry overview, the majority of my analysis was confined to fourparts: e-commerce platform introduction, competitor analysis and benchmarking,consumer behavior analysis and cost analysis. Through market analysis andconsumer behavior analysis, I provided some effective suggestions for Pfeilringon how to enter Chinese e-commerce market.

In terms of life, in addition to visiting the workingtown of Solingen, I visited famous tourist city Düsseldorf as well as citiesoutside Germany such as Copenhagen, Amsterdam and Paris. This experienceallowed me to truly experience the different cultural environments of Europe. Iwas also able to communicate with people from different cultural backgroundsand understand China and China's current development from comprehensive andbroad perspective.
Although this internship lasted only for more than 40days, it was extremely valuable experience because I was given the opportunityto integrate into the German working environment and to gain a further understandingof German manufacturing industry’s production process and operating conditions.I am very grateful to the CUFE Business School and InterGest for providing mewith such useful internship opportunity. I hope that this project will continueto develop in the future. I believe it will help the Business School becomemore globalized.