

13.Qian,X., Wang, Y., & Zhang, G. (2018). The spatial correlation network of capital flows in china: evidence from china's high-value payment system.ChinaEconomic Review.
Using data from China's High-Value Payment System, this paper directly and precisely measures interregional capital flows in China and analyzes their spatial correlation. Using social network analysis methods, this study finds a spatial correlation network between interregional capital flows. The closeness of the network is strong and has a high stability. Different provinces exhibit different positions in the network. Beijing, Jiangsu, Shandong, Shanghai, and Zhejiang are at the relative core, while Qinghai, Xinjiang, Guangxi, Anhui, and Tibet are at the periphery. According to a block model, the eastern provinces belong to a bidirectional spillover block, the middle provinces are in a primary beneficial block, and the western provinces are in a net beneficial block. Based on a quadratic assignment procedure regression analysis, the paper concludes that geographical distance and differences in provinces' fixed asset investments, foreign direct in- vestments, and marketization levels are important factors that impact the spatial correlation of capital flows. The conclusions of this paper are significant for the formulation of a regional coordinated strategy in China.
14.Han,J., & Zhang, G. (2018). Politically connected boards, value or cost: evidence from a natural experiment in china.Accounting and Finance.
This study investigates the net effect of a politically connected board for a firm. Using a natural experiment in China - a regulatory change to forbid bureaucrats from sitting on the board of public firms - we address the causality of the net effect of a politically connected board by testing the market reaction of the shares of firm targeted by the regulatory change to the policy announcement. The stocks of firms with politically connected directors who are targeted by the regulatory change show on average a significantly positive abnormal return, which suggests that the agency cost effect of a politically connected director dominates the value effect. The result is robust to various model settings and to a matched sample using the propensity score methodology. Additionally, the announcement effect of the resignation of a politically connected director is significantly positive, and significantly higher than that of a non-connected director. Overall, our results suggest that the agency cost effect of a politically connected director dominates the value effect.
15.Gao,Y., Driouchi, T., & Bennett, D. J. (2018). Ambiguity aversion in buyer-seller relationships: a contingent-claims and social network explanation.International Journal of Production Economics, 200.
Negotiations between buyers and sellers (or suppliers) of goods and services have become increasingly important due to the growing trend towards international purchasing, outsourcing and global supply networks together with the high uncertainty associated with them. This paper examines the effect of ambiguity aversion on price negotiations using multiple-priors-based real options with non-extreme outcomes. We study price negotiation between a buyer and seller in a dual contingent-claims setting (call option holding buyer vs. put option holding seller) to derive optimal agreement conditions under ambiguity with and without social network effects. We find that while higher ambiguity aversion raises the threshold for commitment for the seller, it has equivocal effects on the buyer's negotiation prospects in the absence of network control. Conversely when network position and relative bargaining power are accounted for, we find the buyer's implicit price (or negotiation threshold) decreases (or increases) unequivocally with increasing aversion to ambiguity. Extending extant real options research on price negotiation to the case of ambiguity, this set of results provides new insights into the role of ambiguity aversion and network structures in buyer-seller relationships, including how they influence the range of negotiation agreement between buyers and sellers. The results also help assist managers in formulating robust buying/selling strategies for bargaining under uncertainty. By knowing their network positions and gathering background information or inferring the other party's ambiguity tolerance beforehand, buyers and sellers can anticipate where the negotiation is heading in terms of price negotiation range and mutual agreement possibilities.
16.LiuX. (2018). LRN 2016 SPECIAL – the antecedents and consequences of reduction within a supply chain collaboration orientation of CO2 emissions: evidence from China.International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications.
This paper explores the impact of a predisposition towards supply chain collaboration (SCC) on the reduction of CO2 emissions, along with its consequences, within the context of a growing recognition of green collaboration. The study draws upon three theoretical lenses, i.e. natural resource-based view (NRBV), resource dependence theory (RDT) and institutional theory. It conceptualises a research framework in which the underlying constructs are defined and the hypotheses postulated. The empirical investigation was undertaken in China, resulting in data pertaining to 167 companies compiled from a questionnaire survey and subsequently analysed using structural equation modelling. The research findings reveal a causal relationship between two orientations, i.e. SCC orientation and a firm’s CO2 emission reduction orientation, and SCC-led CO2 emission reduction and its impact on a firm’s performance. The study suggests that, in a ‘low-carbon’ business environment, firms can guarantee the engagement of an SCC-led CO2 emission reduction initiative towards broad environmental sustainability.
17.YanN., Tong T., & Dai H. (2018). Capital-constrained supply chain with multiple decision attributes: Decision optimization and coordination analysis.Journalof Industrial & Management Optimization.
Abstract: A Supply Chain Finance (SCF) system involving and a commercial bank and a capital-constrained retailer is designed in the imperfect capital market with non-zero bankruptcy costs. A decentralized borrower-lender game is analyzed, and the optimal centralized strategy is developed for SCF from the perspective of multi-attribute utility (MAU) maximization, including maximizing the expected profit and the service level, as well as minimizing the bankruptcy cost. Furthermore, we analytically and numerically explore the coordination condition for SCF and conclude that the bank financing scheme with a suitable combination of decision preferences can realize coordination, even super coordination. Through sensitivity analyses and numerical experiments, we discuss the impacts of the borrower's initial capitals on the upstream firm's pricing decision and dig out why he has incentives to support the retailer's choice of adopting SCF. The findings of this study reveal that the capital-constrained retailer would require more initial capital when maximizing MAU than maximizing the expected profit, and thus the equilibrium order quantity and the bankruptcy risk would also be higher. Moreover, based on a suitable combination of decision preferences, our proposed bank financing scheme can realize coordination, even super coordination.
18.Liu W., Xiang Z. (2018).The positive impact of guilt: How and when feedback affect employee learning in the workplace.Leadership & Organization Development Journal.
Purpose – A self-regulatory framework to explore the positive effects of negative emotions on proactive outcomes for employees is discussed. The purpose of this paper is to examine how and when employee feedback can facilitate feelings of guilt and result in positive learning behaviors in the workplace. Design/methodology/approach – The authors test the research model using data from field surveys based on a two-wave data collection from 176 employees. Participants completed two paper-based surveys with a time lag of one week. Findings – The results demonstrate that the feelings of guilt work as a mediator in the association between feedback and employee learning. As a specific negative emotion, guilt has a significant and positive impact on employee learning in the workplace. The findings also demonstrate that transformational leadership can make employees aware of the gap between expectations and their performance. Transformational leaders motivate guilty employees to engage in learning activities through the promotion of regulatory focus. Originality/value – This study contributes to the literature on emotions and employee learning in several ways. First, the study raises the association between feedback and employee learning through guilt in the workplace. Second, the study considers the boundaries for facilitating learning behaviors. Keywords – Transformational leadership, Regulatory focus, Feedback, Guilt, Employee learning in the workplace. Paper type – Research paper.
19.Liu W. (2018). High-involvementhuman resource practices, employee learning and employability.CareerDevelopment International.
Purpose – Although environmental factors at the organizational level are of importance for individual employability, very few studies have investigated how the practices an organization implements can facilitate employability. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how high-involvement human resources (HIHR) practices (i.e. recognition, competence development, empowerment, information sharing and fair rewards) influence employee learning, which contributes to employability. Design/methodology/approach – The data were collected from 288 pairs of employees and their direct supervisors in Chinese companies. In this study, we measure perceived employability from both employees and their direct supervisors. Structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis is conducted to test the hypotheses. Findings – The results indicate that employees’ perceptions of the HIHR practices of recognition, competence development, empowerment and information sharing are positively related to employee learning, and then facilitate self- and supervisor-ratings of employees’ employability. Practices of fair rewards have a negative effect on employee learning and employability. Originality/value –This study contributes to employability and human resource management literature in several ways. First, the study raises the association between different HIHR practices and perceived employability through employee learning. Second, the study considers both self-rating and supervisor-rating of employability to improve the effectiveness of the results. Keywords –Employability, Employee learning, High-involvement human resource practices. Paper type – Research paper.
20.Xu, K., Sun, L., Liu,J., & Wang, H. (2018). An empirical investigation of taxi driver response behavior to ride-hailing requests: a spatio-temporal perspective.PLoS ONE, 13(6).
Using data provided by a ride-hailing platform, this paper examines the factors that affect taxi driver response behavior to ride-hailing requests. The empirical investigation from a driver’s perspective is of great importance for ride-hailing service providers, given that approximately 40% of the hailing requests receive no response from any driver. To comprehensively understand taxi driver response behavior, we use a rich dataset to generate variables related to the spatio-temporal supply-demand intensities, the economic incentives, the requests’ and the drivers’ characteristics. The results show that drivers are more likely to respond to requests with economic incentives (especially a firm subsidy), and those with a lower spatio-temporal demand intensity or a higher spatio-temporal supply intensity. In addition, drivers are more likely to respond to requests involving rides covering a greater geographical distance and to those with a smaller number of repeated submissions. The drivers’ characteristics, namely, the number of requests received and the number of requests responded, however, have relatively little impacts on their response probability to the current request. Our findings contribute to the related literature and provide managerial implications for ride-hailing service providers.
21.Zheng, X., Sun, L.,& Tsay, A. A. (2018). Distribution channel strategies and retailer collusion in a supply chain with multiple retailers.Asia-Pacific Journal ofOperational Research (APJOR) , 35, 1850014.
Previous literature suggests that without regulations firms have incentives to collude by fixing price or reducing quantity. This paper sets up an infinitely repeated game to examine the interplay between the manufacturer’s channel strategy and the downstream retailers’ collusive behavior. The results show that the manufacturer can deter retailer collusion by strategically changing its channel strategy. This effect occurs when the discount rate (used to calculate the present value of future profits) is relatively large and the manufacturer’s direct selling efficiency is relatively high (i.e., the variable cost of direct selling is relatively low). With the deterrence of direct selling, retailers abandon collusion and “no collusion” is a win-win strategy for both levels in the supply chain. However, when the manufacturer is not efficient in direct selling or the discount rate is small, direct selling is not effective in deterring retailer collusion and the manufacturer is worse off. These findings provide insights into channel strategies and supply chain management.
22.Song, H., Lu, Q., Yu,K., & Qian, C. (2018). How do knowledge spillover and access in supply chain network enhance SMEs’ credit quality?.Industrial Management &Data Systems .
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to understand how knowledge spillover and access in a supply chain network enhance the credit quality in supply chain finance (SCF) of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Design/methodology/approach – Drawing on network theory and a knowledge-based view (KBV) of SCF, this paper proposes a theoretical model and tests it using survey data from a sample of 248 SMEs in China. Findings – The main finding is that both strong ties and dense ties within a supply chain network have positive effects on SMEs’ credit quality, and these effects are mediated by knowledge spillover and knowledge access. Interestingly, knowledge spillover is found to have a positive effect on knowledge access. Originality/value – This paper is the first to investigate the relationship between supply chain network and supply chain financing from a KBV. The proposed model captures the complexity in the interaction among different attributes of supply chain networks (i.e. strong ties and dense ties), different aspects of knowledge transfer (i.e. knowledge spillover and knowledge access) and SMEs’ credit quality in SCF. The results not only show the importance of SMEs’ supply chain networks to SMEs’ credit quality but also contribute to the understanding of the KBV in SCF. Keywords – Knowledge spillover, Supply chain finance, Knowledge access, SMEs credit quality, Supply chain network. Paper type – Research paper.
23.Yu H., Jack C., Luo N.,Qian C., & Chen Z. (2018). The role of the consistency between objective and perceived environmental uncertainty in supply chain risk management.IndustrialManagement & Data Systems .
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to understand how the consistency between objective and perceived environmental uncertainty might affect supply chain flexibilities that cope with supply chain risk. Design/methodology/approach – This study adopted a case study of comparative fourcompanies in order to obtain an in-depth knowledge of the environmental conditions under which the companies implement different types of supply chain risk management (SCRM) strategies: logistics flexibility and relationship flexibility. Findings – The case analysis not only distinguished the different effects of objective and perceived environmental uncertainty on supply chain flexibility, but also established the propositions about the effects of the consistency between objective and perceived environmental uncertainty on logistics flexibility and relationship flexibility in SCRM. Originality/value – In principle, supply chain flexibility aims to cope with complex and turbulent environments. Yet, empirical findings about the effects of environmental uncertainty on supply chain flexibility are inconclusive. This study addressed this question by differentiating between objective and perceived environmental uncertainty as well as between logistics and relationship supply chain flexibilities. Keywords – Supply chain risk management, Consistency, Relationship flexibility, Perceived environmental uncertainty, Logistics flexibility, Objective environmental uncertainty. Paper type – Research paper.
24.Li, J., Fang, M.,Wang, W., Sun, G., & Cheng, Z. (2018). The influence of grit on life satisfaction: self-esteem as a mediator.Psychologica Belgica,58(1), 51-66.
Improving people’s life satisfaction has become an important goal for many individuals and societies. In this study we investigate how grit influences life satisfaction. We propose that individuals’ self-esteem mediates the relationship between grit and life satisfaction. Study 1, with a sample of 243 employees enrolled in a business training course, found that an individual’s grit was positively related to life satisfaction and that self-esteem fully mediated this relationship. In Study 2, with 218 full-time employees, self-efficacy, self-control, and self-consciousness were included as mediators, but they did not exceed the power of self-esteem in explaining the relationship between grit and life satisfaction. Implications, limitations and future research directions are discussed.
25.Gao Y., Driouchi T. (2018). Accountingfor ambiguity and trust in partial outsourcing: A behavioral real options perspective.Journal of Business Research.
Concerned with the hidden costs of outsourcing, this paper examines the role of ambiguity and trust in partial outsourcing decisions from the perspective of real options theory. We study pricing and quantity dynamics between an ambiguity averse vendor and a less (more) trusting client in a leader-follower framework with fixed timing. We find that a client's partial outsourcing quantity increases with the vendor's ambiguity if outsourcing is meant for cost-saving purposes. Meanwhile, the effect of trust on outsourcing quantity is jointly moderated by the vendor's ambiguity and quality of shared information forecasts when cost advantages are exaggerated. In terms of pricing effects, the vendor increases (decreases) their threshold with increasing ambiguity for long-term (short-term) contracts. These insights hold under the multiple-priors and worst-case ambiguity specfication. When Choquet ambiguity and rank-dependent utility are considered, more complex and subtle dynamics are obtained. Ambiguity has additional non-linear effects on outsourcing quantity due to heterogeneity in ambiguity preferences (seeking versus aversion) and probability weighting. The vendor's price not only increases (decreases) with increasing ambiguity-seeking for long-term (short-term) contracts, but also with ambiguity aversion when specific risk-return conditions are met. Trust effects are qualitatively similar under both ambiguity specifications.
26.Lin, S., & Wang, S. (2018). How does theage of serial entrepreneurs influence their re-venture speed after a business failure?.Small Business Economics, 1-16.
How does the age of serial entrepreneurs influence re-venture speed after a business failure? The prevailing notion is that the older the entrepreneur, the lower the likelihood of starting a re-venture. However, in real-world practice, many older entrepreneurs start to re-venture quickly after a business failure, and this phenomenon still cannot be explained by present research on the subject. This study takes the age of serial entrepreneurs, the failure loss and family support as the antecedent variables that affect re-venture speed. The direct impact of an entrepreneur’s age is also moderated by failure loss and family support. A total of 268 serial entrepreneurs with business failure experience located in the Bohai Economic Rim of China were included in the study. The results showed that the older the serial entrepreneur, the longer the time taken to start a venture again. Additionally, the larger the failure loss, the slower the re-venture speed. Finally, the relationship between a serial entrepreneur’s age and re-venture speed strengthens when the failure loss is large and weakens when family support is strong.
27.Song L., Jing L., & Rui H. (2018). Coping Humor of Entrepreneurs: Interaction between Social Culture and Entrepreneurial Experience. Frontier in Psychology. 2018.01449.
It is feasible to deal with the high pressures in entrepreneurship using humor. This paper studies the effect of interaction between entrepreneurs perception of social culture and entrepreneurial experience (including experience with entrepreneurial failure and current company performance) on coping humor of entrepreneurs with a sample of 171 entrepreneurs from Bohai Rim in China. Regression analysis revealed that entrepreneurs would be more likely to adopt coping humor when they perceived supportive social culture to entrepreneurship and had experienced entrepreneurial failure or when they perceived supportive social culture to entrepreneurship and had good current business. This study contributes to the literature of the theory of humor, the culture of entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial failure.
28.Song L., & Steven S, (2018). The influence of exploration and exploitation on born globals’ speed of internationalization. Management Decision.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate exploration and exploitation as antecedents to speed of internationalization in born global firms.
Design/methodology/approach: By using 150 born global firms in China, the authors demonstrate that the influence of exploration and exploitation on born globals’ speed of internationalization. The statistical method in this study is hierarchical regression model.
Findings: The results revealed that exploration has a negative effect on the internationalization of born global firms, whereas exploration does not. The interaction between exploration and exploitation has positive influence on born globals’ speed of internationalization.
Practical implications: The study helps entrepreneurs and managers to better understand how to achieve international entrepreneurship success and internationalization success.
Originality/value: This study makes a theoretical development of Internationalization speed, a core aspect of international entrepreneurship theory. First, this study contributes to theories on born globals’ speed of internationalization, which the authors redefined in the current study by using two approaches to measure the speed of internationalization of born global firms. Second, the study used exploration and exploitation as the two designated factors that are supposed to affect the speed of internationalization of born globals which contributes to the theoretical literature of international opportunity.

2018年以来学院成功召开了《数据驱动下的技能提升国际研讨会》,我校伟德国际victor1946客座教授、德国捷孚凯协会副总经理Dr. Andreas Neus、捷孚凯中国总经理周啓群先生、捷孚凯全球培训主管PhyllisMacfarlane女士、德高中国总经理齐梦然先生、市场总监申昕晨女士、车主邦创始人、董事长戴震先生、联合创始人兼CEO王阳女士特邀出席。伟德国际victor1946院长王瑞华教授、党委书记葛建新教授、副院长林嵩教授、副院长于广涛教授出席了研讨会。来自捷孚凯中国的13位企业友人、伟德国际victor194620余位师生齐聚一堂,共同出席了本次研讨会。