伟德国际victor1946 伟德国际victor1946,供应链与运营管理系,教授,博士生导师
2012.8-2013.8,Georgia Institute of Technology,访问学者(留学基金委资助)
1. Yan, N., Chen, Z., Xu, X., He, X. (2024). E-commerce Platform Finance with Dual Channels,Naval Research Logistics, 71(5), 739-759.
2. Yan, N., Xu, X., & Tong, T. (2022). Should businesses keep consistent performance between channels? Empirical evidence from the impact of rating discrepancy on demand.Decision Sciences, 53(2), 260-276.
3. Liu, Y., Lu, J., Yan, N*. (2024). Agency Selling or Reselling? E-commerce Platform’s Operational Strategies with Online Financing,European Journal of Operational Research.
4. Yan, N., Liu, Y., Xu, X., & He, X. (2020). Strategic dual-channel pricing games with e-retailer finance.European Journal of Operational Research, 283(1), 138-151.
5. Yan, N., He, X., & Liu, Y. (2019). Financing the capital-constrained supply chain with loss aversion: Supplier finance vs. supplier investment.Omega,88, 162-178.
6. Tong, T., Xu, X.,Yan, N*, & Xu, J. (2022). Impact of Different Platform Promotions on Online Demand and Conversion Rate: The Role of Business Model and Product Line Length,Decision Support Systems, 156 (5), 113746.
7. Tong, T., Xu, X.,Yan, N*, & Chen, Z. (2023). Examining the impact of information provision on E-tailers’ pricing strategies.International Journal of Production Economics, 108990.
8. Yan, N., Xu, X., Tong, T., & Huang, L. (2021). Examining Consumer Complaints from an On-demand Service Platform.International Journal of Production Economics, 237, 108153.
9. Yan, N., Xu, X., & Huang, W. (2021). Loss-averse Supplier's Capacity Investment Strategy with Factoring,International Journal of Production Economics, 238, 108149.
10. Yan, N., Zhang, Y., Xu, X., & Gao, Y. (2021). Online Finance with Dual Channels and Bidirectional Free-Riding Effect.International Journal of Production Economics, 231, 107834.
11. Yan, N., Jin, X., Zhong H., &Xu, X. (2020). Loss-averse Retailers' Financial Offerings to Capital-constrained Suppliers: Loan vs. Investment,International Journal of Production Economics, 227, 107665.
12. Zhong, H.,Yan, N., Lu, J., & Lai, K. K*. (2024). Value of loan credit insurance in the capital-constrained supply chain.Annals of Operations Research,1-30.
13. Yan, N., Liu, Y., & Chen, J. (2022). Competitors or Frenemies? Strategic Investment in Competitive Channels,Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2022, 164:102784.
14. He, X., Sethi, S., Xu, X.,Yan, N*. (2024). Financing a Capital-constrained Supply Chain: Equity or Debt,Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 188, 103614.
15. Yan, N., & He, X. (2020). Optimal Trade Credit with Deferred Payment and Multiple Decision Attributes in Supply Chain Finance,Computers & Industrial Engineering, 147, 106627.
16. 晏妮娜,卢继周,龚明文慧,黎建强。从线上到线下:供应商渠道拓展策略研究,系统工程理论与实践, 2023,43(10):2941-2951.
17. Dai, H., Qin Xiao,Yan, N., Xu, X., &Tong, T. (2022). What Influences Online Sales Across Different Types of E-commerce Platforms,International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 26(3):311-330.
18. Dai, H., Qin Xiao,Yan, N., Xu, X., &Tong, T. (2022). Item-level Forecasting for E-commerce Demand with High-dimensional Data Using a Two-stage Feature Selection Algorithm.Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 31(2):18.
19. Xu, X.,Yan, N., & Tong, T. (2021). Longer Waiting, More Cancellation? Empirical Evidence from an On-Demand Service Platform,Journal of Business Research, 126:162-169.
20. Dai, H. Liu, Y.,Yan, N. & Zhou, W. (2021). Optimal staffing for online-to-offline on-demand delivery systems: in-house or crowd-sourcing drivers?Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research,38(1): 1-25.
21. Tong, T., Dai, H., Xiao, Q., &Yan, N. (2020). Will Dynamic Pricing Outperform? Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Evidence from O2O On-demand Food Service Market,International Journal of Production Economics, 2020(219):375-385.
22. Yan, N., Tong, T., & Dai, H. (2019). Capital-constrained Supply Chain with Multiple Decision Attributes: Decision Optimization and Coordination Analysis,Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, 15(4): 1831-1856.
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71872200):“数据驱动的在线供应链金融系统融合机制研究:基于行为运营的视角”,2019/01-2022/12,项目负责人,结项。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71372191):“不完美资本市场下中小企业供应链金融的风险与决策研究:基于MCDM的视角”,2014/01-2017/12,项目负责人,结项(后评估优秀)。
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71002021):“不确定环境下供应链金融系统的鲁棒协调策略研究”,2011/01-2013/12,项目负责人,结项(后评估优秀)。
4. 北京市自然科学基金面上项目(9192021):“大数据支持下的B2B在线供应链金融决策优化及风险控制”,2019/01-2021/12,项目负责人,结项。
5. 北京市社会科学基金项目重点项目(16YJA008):“互联网+”背景下小微企业供应链多源融资模式与决策优化研究:以北京为例”,2016/06-2019/12,项目负责人,结项。
6. 北京市哲学社会科学规划项目(12JGC099):“基于电子商务交易平台的供应链融资模式研究--以北京小微企业为例”,2013/01-2014/12,项目负责人,结项。
7. 北京市自然科学基金青年项目(9112015):“基于第三方物流的中小企业供应链金融鲁棒融资策略研究”,2011/01-2013/12,项目负责人,结项。