- 博士,2006.9-2011.1,香港科技大学,工业工程及物流管理
- 硕士,2004.9-2006.7,清华大学,模式识别及智能系统
- 学士,2000.9-2004.7,北京邮电大学,机械工程及自动化(主修),通讯工程(辅修)
- 教授,2018.11-至今,伟德国际victor1946,北京
- 副教授,2013.11-2018.10,伟德国际victor1946,北京
- 访问学者,2016.1-2016-2,南洋理工大学,新加坡
- 讲师,2011.7-2013.10,伟德国际victor1946,北京
- 助理研究员,2011.2-2011.6,香港科技大学,香港
- 访问学者,2009.5-2009.10,杜克大学,美国
- 国际物流管理进修项目,2008.6-2008.8,麻省理工-萨拉戈萨物流研究中心,西班牙
[1] Yuqian Xu,Hongyan Dai*, Wanfeng Yan;Identity Disclosure and Anthropomorphism in Voice Chatbot Design: A Field Experiment, Management Science (UTD). Forthcoming, 2024.
[2] Yuqian Xu, Baidu Lu, Anindya Ghose,Hongyan Dai, Zhou Weihua*; The Interplay of Earnings, Ratings, and Penalties on Sharing Platforms: An Empirical Investigation. Management Science (UTD),doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2023.4761. 2023.
[3] Baile Lu, Kewei Zhou, Shuai Hao, Hongyan Dai*, La Ta, Weihua Zhou. The Influence of Significant Public Health Events on Offline Consumption and its Pathways. Journal of Systems Science and System (SCI), 2024, 1-22.
[4] La Ta, Xun Xu andHongyan Dai*.How to retain my consumers? Investigating incumbents’ promotional strategies upon new business entry in the online-to-offline context. International Journal of Electronic Commerce. Forthcoming(SCI), 2024.
[5] Baile Lu, Kewei Zhou, Shuai Hao,Hongyan Dai*, La Ta, Weihua Zhou. The Influence of Significant Public Health Events on Offline Consumption and its Pathways. Journal of Systems Science and System(SCI). Forthcoming, 2024.
[6] 代宏砚,陶家威*,姜海,周伟华;大数据驱动的决策范式转变—以个性化O2O即时物流调度为例.管理科学学报,26(5):53-69, 2023.
[7] Hongyan Dai, Xiao, Qin, Chen, Songlin. & Zhou, Weihua. Data-driven demand forecast for O2O operations: An adaptive hierarchical incremental approach. International Journal of Production Economics(SCI), 259, 108833. 2023.
[8] Hongyan Dai., Ta, L., & Xu, X. Does the new entrant eat my pie or enlarge my pie? Market entry investigation in the online-to-offline on-demand context. Decision Support Systems(SCI), 114036.2023.
[9] Hongyan Dai,Qin Xiao, Nina Yan, Xun Xu, and Tingting Tong*,What Influences Online Sales Across Different Types of E-Commerce Platforms, International Journal of Electronic Commerce(SCI), 2022, 26(33), 311-330.
[10] 周伟华,林甜甜,胡雨林,代宏砚;贸易信用中账期对供应链上下游及供应链绩效的影响研究.管理工程学报,2024.1-13.doi:10.13587/j.cnki.jieem.2024.05.009.
[11] Hongyan Dai; Yan Wen; Weihua Zhou; Tingting Tong; Xun Xu*; Enhancing Online-to-offline Delivery Efficiency Facilitated by Industry 4.0: A Personnel Configuration Perspective. Industrial Management & Data Systems (SCI), 2022, 123(4): 1198-1219.
[12] 周云,蒲雅琦,代宏砚,周伟华*;不同信息模式下流量赞助服务对电信服务供应链的影响研究.管理工程学报. 37(6):227-241. 2023
[13] Hongyan Dai; Qin Xiao; Nina Yan; Xun Xu; Tingting Tong*; Item-level forecasting for e-commerce demand with high-dimensional data using a two-stage feature selection algorithm.Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering(SCI), 2022, 31(2): 247-264.
[14] Jiawei Tao;Hongyan Dai*; Weiwei Chen; Hai Jiang;The value of personalized dispatch in O2O on-demand delivery services.European Journal of Operational Research(SCI),2022, 304(3): 1022-1035.
[15] Hongyan Dai; Ling Ge; Chen Li; Yan Wen*;The interaction of discount promotion and display-related promotion on on-demand platforms.Information Systems and e-Business Management(SCI), 2021, 6: 1-18.
[16] Hongyan Dai; Yali Liu; Nina Yan; Weihua Zhou*;Optimal staffing for online-to-offline on-demand delivery systems: in-house or crowd-sourcing drivers?Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research(SCI),2021, 38(1): 1-25.
[17] Jiawei Tao;Hongyan Dai*; Hai Jiang; Weiwei Chen; Dispatch optimisation for O2O on-demand delivery with crowded sourced and inhouse drivers.International Journal of Production Research(SCI), 2021, 59(20): 6054-6068.
[18] Tingting Tong;Hongyan Dai*; Qin Xiao; Nina Yan; Will dynamic pricing outperform? Theoretical analysis and empirical evidence from O2O on-demand food service market.International Journal of Production Economics(SCI), 2020, 219:375-385.
[19] Hongyan Dai; Peng Liu*; Workforce planning for O2O delivery systems with crowdsourced drivers.Annuals of Operations Research(SCI), 2020, 291: 219-245.
[20] Hongyan Dai; Ling Ge*; Yali Liu; Information matters: an empirical study of the efficiency of on-demand services.Information Systems Frontier(SCI), 2020, 22: 815-827.
[21] Hongyan Dai; Haoyang Yu*; Qin Xiao; Weihua Zhou; A clustering-based sales forecast method for big promotion days in O2O on-demand retailing.Proceedings of 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management(EI), Macau, China, 2019, 1079-1083.
[22] Hongyan Dai; Jiawei Tao; Hai Jiang; Weiwei Chen; O2O on-demand delivery optimization with mixed driver forces.9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modeling, Management, and Control, Berlin,German, 2019,52(13): 391–396.
[23] Nina Yan*; Tingting Tong;Hongyan Dai;Capital-constrained supply chain with multiple decision attributes: Decision optimization and coordination analysis.Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization(SCI),2019, 15(4):1831-1856.
[24] Wenyi Huang; Qin Xiao;Hongyan Dai; Nina Yan; Sales forecast for O2O services- based on incremental random forest method.Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management(EI),Hangzhou, China, 2018, 1-5.
[25] 代宏砚;檀雅静;周伟华;库存不准确环境下考虑实时信息的供应链协同机制设计研究,管理工程学报(CSSCI,中国人民大学复印报刊资料全文转载), 2018, 32(2):228-239.
[26] Hongyan Dai; Yali Liu; Yining Chang; Songlin Chen;A design methodology for biomass energy supply chains based on weighted K-Means algorithm.Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management(EI),Singapore, 2017, 1362-1366.
[27] Nina Yan; Ye Liu*; Chongqing Liu;Hongyan Dai; Coordination in Supply Chain Finance Under CVaR Criteria.Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management(EI),Singapore, 2017:455-459.
[28] Weihua Zhou; Yaqi Pu;HongyanDai; Qingwei Jin; Cooperative interconnection settlement among ISPs through NAP.European Journal of Operational Research(SCI), 2016, 256(3):991–1003.
[29] Hongyan Dai; Jianbin Li; Nina Yan; Weihua Zhou*; Bullwhip effect and supply chain costs with low- and high-quality information on inventory shrinkage.European Journal of Operational Research(SCI), 2016, 250(2): 457-469.
[30] Hongyan Dai; Ling Ge; Weihua Zhou; A design method for supply chain traceability systems with aligned interests.International Journal of Production Economics(SCI), 2015, 170:14-24.
[31] Hongyan Dai;Yang Nan; Nina Yan; A pricing strategy to align supply chain interests for product recall.Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management(EI), 2015, 285-289.
[32] Hongyan Dai*;Tseng Mitchell M; Zipkin Paul H.; Design of traceability systems for product recall.International Journal of Production Research(SCI), 2015, 53(2): 511-531.
[33] Songlin Chen; Shuli Wu; Xiaojin Zhang;Hongyan Dai;An evolutionary approach for product line adaptation.International Journal of Production Research(SCI),2014, 52(20): 5932-5944.
[34] Nina Yan;Hongyan Dai;Baowen Sun; Optimal bi-level Stackelberg strategies for supply chain financing with both capital-constrained buyers and sellers.Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry(SCI),2014, 30(6): 783-796.
[35] 代宏砚;张然子;张津;赵犁;信息共享程度对我国服装供应链库存成本的影响,运筹与管理(CSSCI),2014, 23(5): 147-154.
[36] Hongyan Dai;Jing Xu; Collaborative design of RFID systems for multi-purpose supply chain applications.Journal of System Science and System Engineering(SCI), 2013, 22(2): 152-170.s
[37] 代宏砚;陈志康;周伟华;多级供应链中库存不准确性对牛鞭效应的影响,管理工程学报(CSSCI), 2013, 27(2): 195-201.
[38] Hongyan Dai*,Tseng Mitchell M. The impacts of RFID implementation on reducing inventory inaccuracy in a multi-stage supply chain.International Journal of Production Economics(SCI),2012, 139 (2), 634–641.
[39] Hongyan Dai;Tseng Mitchell M; Determination of production lot size and DC location in Manufacturer-DC-Retailer supply chains.Intentional Journalof Logistics Systems and Management, 2011, 8(3): 284 -297.
[40] Hongyan Dai;Tseng Mitchell M; Monsreal Mario M; Design considerations for supply chain tracking systems.Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. John Wiley & Sons , 2010, 1326 – 1335.
[41] Monsreal Mario M;Hongyan Dai;Tseng Mitchell M; D. L. Brock; Tracking technologies in the supply chain.Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science,2010, 5512 - 5525.
[42] Hongyan Dai;Tseng Mitchell M; The RFID impacts on lead time compression in a serial manufacturing System.Proceeding of the 3rd World Conference on Production and Operations Management,Tokyo, Japan, 2008, 1029-1039.
1.数据驱动的众包个性化配送决策研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 72172169),2022.1-2025.12.主持.
2.大数据驱动的O2O即时物流管理与决策研究,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目(No. 91646125), 2017.1-2019.12.主持.
3.基于协同、量化准则的多级分散供应链追溯系统的设计研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目(No. 71202124), 2013.1-2015.12.主持.
4.互联网环境下首都O2O即时物流网络中的众包管理模式研究,北京自然科学基金面上项目, (No. 9172017),2017.1-2019.12.主持.
7. 众包模式下的O2O即时物流网络规划研究,伟德国际victor1946“青年英才”培育支持计划(No. QYP1607), 2016.11-2018.12.主持
1. 代宏砚(1/3),大数据驱动的新零售众包即时配送管理,华人学者管理科学与工程年会管理科学实践奖二等奖,2023.
2. 代宏砚(2/4), The value of personalized dispatch in O2O on-demand delivery services,第二十一次中国物流学术年会优秀论文奖一等奖,2022.
3. 代宏砚(2/3),供应链协同和牛鞭效应研究,浙江省科技进步三等奖,2022.
4. 代宏砚(2/6),多级供应链库存管理与协同管理研究,中国物流与采购联合会科技进步二等奖, 2022.
5. 代宏砚(1/4),O2O on-demand delivery optimization with mixed driver forces.9th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modeling, Management, and Control会议最佳论文奖,2019.
6. 代宏砚(1/4),The value of personalized promotion for field experiment on O2O platform,INFORMS服务科学年会最佳论文奖第一名,2019.
7. 代宏砚(1/3),库存不准确环境下考虑实时信息的供应链协同机制设计研究,中国物流学会,第十六次中国物流学术年会优秀论文奖一等奖,2017。
1. 代宏砚;陶家威;姜海;一种基于场景推演的物流配送调度算法,2023-12-31,中国,授权号202010020350X
2. 代宏砚;肖沁;周伟华;一种针对即时服务需求的自适应分层预测方法。2024-2-23,中国,申请号202410200581.7
3. 代宏砚;陶家威;姜海;考虑预测不确定性的配送调度方法、装置及可存储介质,2022-8-17,中国,申请号202210840698.2
4. 代宏砚;陶家威;姜海;一种考虑个性化配送能力的物流配送调度方法及系统,2022-7-23,中国,申请号202210840136.8
5. 代宏砚;周伟华;肖沁;周云;一种基于增量算法的需求预测方法,2019-12-30,中国,201911393853.5
6. 周伟华;代宏砚;周云;温岩;一种新产品需求的多阶段实时预测方法,2019-11-4,中国,申请号201911114233.3
1. 基于深度学习框架的库存管理系统,易点淘网络技术有限公司, 2023.6至今
2. 三阶段人机协同的远距离即时物流优化管理,杭州讯蚁网络科技有限公司,2023.11至今
3. 基于大模型的语音机器人在金融销售领域的管理,摸象科技,2023.11至今
4. 基于AI大模型的电话销售优化管理,易点淘网络技术有限公司, 2022.12至今
5. 基于语音机器人的货运平台调度优化,云柚货运,2022.2-2022.12
6. 大数据驱动的新零售销量预测,安徽邻几便利店有限公司,2020.1-2021.3
7. 数据驱动的需求预测研究,京东到家,2017.7-2019.4
8. 国家电网公司物力集约化管理框架研究,国家电网公司咨询项目,2013.4-2014.6
9. 生物质能源供应链构建研究,中国工程院咨询研究项目,2013.1-2013.12
10. 物联网系统规划及评估研究,镇江市科技计划项目,2012.06-2013.06
国际期刊审稿:Production and Operations Management,European Journal of Operational Research,Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Production Research,International Journal of Production and Economics, Transportation Research Part E:Logistics and Transportation Review