教育与工作经历Education & Employment
2011-现在 伟德国际victor1946,副教授
2009-2010 香港城市大学,访问学者
2008-2011 伟德国际victor1946,讲师
2005-2006 香港岭南大学,研究助理
2003-2008 中国科学院心理研究所,应用心理学,理学博士
研究领域Research Interests
研究生课程:组织行为学研究前言(博士)、组织行为与领导力前沿(学硕)、管理学研究方法,Localized Organizational Behavior(英文授课,来华留学生国际交流课程),Organizational Behavior(英文授课,中美合作研究生班课程),领导力与团队建设(学硕)
获资助的研究项目Research Grants
项目负责人. (2020).迎接未来新工作:基于自我认同理论的工作塑造与工余塑造双路径研究.国家自然科学基金面上项目(71971227).资助年限: 2020.01-2023.12.
项目负责人. (2012).挑战性-阻断性工作要求差异化影响的中介机制与边界条件:基于区分性工作要求-资源模型的研究.国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(71101156).资助年限: 2012.01-2014.12.
项目负责人. (2011).什么时候高工作要求激励而非挫伤学习行为?社会支持和工作控制的增益与缓冲作用研究.教育部人文社会科学基金(10YJC630138).资助年限: 2011.11-2013.12.
子课题负责人. (2013).高不确定性背景中银行业人才管理中的关键问题研究.伟德国际victor1946青年科研创新团队项目(科字2013-1-10).资助年限: 2013.05-2015.12.
学术文章,书籍和大会报告Publications & Presentations
[1] Lin, L., Lin, Y., & Lin, S. The journey of business opportunity evaluation: When and why does opportunity novelty promote vs. inhibit opportunity adoption?Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 732565.
[2] 林琳.职场变革情境下的工作与工余塑造:基于自我认同理论的双路径模型.心理科学进展, 29(5), 773-786.
[3] 苏凤然, 林琳,李文, 于广涛, & 白新文.为家奋斗:工作塑造视角下家庭动机对工作投入的影响.中国人力资源开发, 37(11), 22-36.
[4] Zhu, X.,Lin, L., & Bai, X. (2019).Job crafting, perceived threat, and reduced support from colleagues: An interpersonal approach on the negative social consequences of job crafting. Paper presented atthe 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 9 - 13, 2019,Boston, America.
[5] 齐舒婷,白新文, &林琳. (2019).慧眼识珠:创意识别的研究现状及未来方向.外国经济与管理, 41(7), 42-57. doi: 10.16538/j.cnki.fem.2019.07.003.
[6] Lin L.(2018). Achieving Competitive Advantage through strategic job design: the case of service sector in China. In C.-T. Foo (ed.),Handbook of Chinese Management. (pp 1 -14). Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-2442-9_4-1.
[7] 闫文昊,于广涛,林琳. (2018).生涯适应力对主观职业成功的影响——工作形塑的中介和组织支持感的调节.经济管理,40(8), 105-119.
[8] 林琳. (2017).实施意向降低拖延行为的准实验研究.心理学报,49(7), 855-859.
[9] 祝晓霞,朱飞,于广涛,谢健乔,林琳. (2017).何时“寸有所长”:组织支持感调节下员工自恋人格对工作塑造的影响.中国人力资源开发,34(3), 28-36. doi: 10.16471/j.cnki.11-2822/c.2017.03.004 (通讯作者)
[10] Lin, L., & Zeng, A. (2016). Not all knowledge hiding is equally harmful: The differentiated consequences of task-related and interpersonal knowledge hiding. Paper presented atthe 31st International Conference of Psychology(ICP 2016), July 24 - 29, 2016, Yokohama, Japan.
[11] Bai, X., Li, Y., &Lin, L., (2016). Caring for others matters: Flexibility and persistence as the dual pathways whereby intrinsic and prosocial motivations enhance creativity. Paper presented atthe 31st International Conference of Psychology(ICP 2016), July 24 - 29, 2016, Yokohama, Japan.
[12] 林琳,唐永. (2016).伙伴还是冤家——投资者与创业者的共融之道.见:王瑞华(主编),中国工商管理案例精选(第五辑) (pp. 237-240).北京:中国财政经济出版社.
[13] Lin, L., & Bai, X. (2015).Effect of collaboration network on knowledge creation among Chinese home-returning researchers. Paper presented atthe 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 7 - 11, 2015,Vancouver, Canada.
[14] 林琳.员工的健康与幸福感.张爱卿,钱振波主编.人力资源管理(第3版) (pp. 292-308).北京:清华大学出版社, 2015.(著)
[15] 林琳,白新文. (2014).基于计划行为理论的大学生学业拖延行为研究.中国临床心理学杂志,22(5), 855-859.
[16] 林晓敏,白新文,林琳. (2014).团队心智模型相似性与正确性对团队创造力的影响.心理学报,46(11), 1734-1747.
[17] 黄真浩,白新文,林琳,宋莹. (2014).尽责性和神经质影响拖延行为的中介机制.中国临床心理学杂志,22(1), 140-144.
[18] 林晓敏,林琳,王永丽,白新文. (2014).授权型领导与团队绩效:交互记忆系统的中介作用.管理评论,26(1), 69-78.
[19] Wilmar Schaufeli,时勘, Pieternel Dijkstra,林琳.工作投入的心理奥秘:活力∙专注∙奉献.北京:机械工业出版社, 2014.(著)
[20] 林琳,白新文,林晓敏. (2014).心智模型相似性与正确性对团队创造力的影响.第六届中国管理研究国际学会双年会议(the Sixth Biennial IACMR Conference, IACMR 2014), 2014年6月18-22日,中国北京.
[21] Lin, L., Bai, X., & Song, Y. (2014). Time-lagged and quasi-experimental studies of academic procrastination using the theory of planned behavior. Paper presented atthe 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, 8-13 July 2014, Paris, France.
[22] 林琳,宋莹,白新文,任孝鹏,郑蕊. (2013).工作资源对压力源-工作满意度关系的缓冲效应——对匹配假设的检验.中国人力资源开发,30(23), 35-41. doi: 10.16471/j.cnki.11-2822/c.2013.23.011
[23] 林琳.招募与甄选.朱飞主编.人力资源管理.北京:机械工业出版社, 2013.(著)
[24] 林琳.国际人力资源管理背景及研究视角.李永壮主编.国际人力资源管理.北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社, 2013.(著)
[25] Song, Y., Ren, X. P., Zheng, R.,Lin, L., & Bai, X. W. (2012) The moderating effects of job resources on the relationship between job stressors and job satisfaction: An empirical investigation of the matching hypothesis.Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Service System (CSSS 2012), 4051-4054.
[26] Bai, X., &Lin, L.(2012).Effects of vertical conflict between critical team member and team manager on shared mental modes, team external activities, and team performance. Paper presented atthe ICP2012 Conference. Cape Town, South Africa.
[27] 白新文,林琳,刘武. (2012).团队核心成员与部门领导之间的垂直冲突对团队效能的影响.第五届中国管理研究国际学会双年会议(the Fifth Biennial IACMR Conference, IACMR 2012), 2012年6月20-24日,中国香港.
[28] 王桢,李旭培,罗正学,林琳. (2011).情绪劳动工作人员心理授权与离职意向的关系:工作倦怠的中介作用.心理科学,35(1), 186-190.
[29] 白新文,刘武,林琳. (2011).共享心智模型影响团队绩效的权变模型.心理学报,43(5), 1-15.
[30] Bai, X., Liu, W., &Lin,L. (2010). Moderating effects of team constructive climate and mediating effect of team conflict on the relationship between shared mental models and team performance. Paper presented atthe International Congress of Applied Psychology 2010 (ICAP 2010), 11-16 July 2010, Melbourne, Australia.
[31] 史宇,林琳,王詠. (2009).北京房地产开发企业员工工作压力源与压力反应状况的实证研究.人类工效学,15(3), 42-45, 50.
[32] Lin, L., Siu, O-L., Shi, K., & Bai, X. (2009). Challenge and hindrance job demands, job resource, and their relationships with vigor and emotional exhaustion.Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering, 1098-1106. (EI)
[33] Siu, O. L., Hui, C. H., Phillips, D. R.,Lin, L., Wong, T. W., & Shi, K. (2009). A study of resiliency among Chinese health care workers: capacity to cope with workplace stress.Journal of Research in Personality,43(5), 770-776. (SSCI, Q1)
[34] Bai, X., & Lin, L. (2008).Challenge and hindrance job demands, job resource, and their relationships with vigor and exhaustion: a two-wave study. Paper presented atthe ICP2008 Conference. Cape Town, South Africa.
[35] 林琳,时勘,萧爱铃. (2008).工作投入研究现状与展望.管理评论,19(2), 50-57.
[36] 李志鸿,任旭明,林琳,时勘. (2008).教学效能感与教师工作压力及工作倦怠的关系.心理科学,31(1), 218-221.
[37] Siu, O., &Lin, L.(2007). Exploring psychological capital to face new challenges of global business: evidence from Chinese employees. Paper presented atthe 2007 AIB Southeast Asia Regional Conference. Hangzhou, PRC.
[38] Lin, L., Oi-ling, S., Kan, S., & Zhi-hong, L. I. (2006). The structure of job engagement and the relationship between job engagement and job burnout. Paper presented atthe 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, Greece.
[39] Siu, O. L., Chow, S. L., Phillips, D. R., &Lin, L.(2006). An exploratory study of resilience among Hong Kong employees: ways to happiness. In L. S. HO & Y. K. Ng (Eds.),Happiness and Public Policy: Theory, Case Studies, and Implications(pp. 209-220). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
[40] Lin, L., Shi, K., & Xie, Y. (2005). The structure of job engagement and the relationship between job engagement and leader-member exchange. Paper presented atthe 5th Chinese Psychologists Conference.Soochow, PRC.
[41] Lin, L., & Kan, S. (2004). Job burnout as a mediator between job stress and turnover intention. Paper presented at the 24th International Congress of Psychology. Beijing, PRC.