魏闯,毕业于清华大学经管学院,博士期间曾在美国西北大学Kellogg伟德国际victor1946进行联合培养。主要从事消费者行为研究,研究兴趣集中于消费者的服务和产品体验以及决策科学。在International Journal of Research in Marketing等国内外学术期刊发表论文多篇。
1. Liu Wenjing Maggie, Chuang Wei, Lu Yang, and Hean Tat Keh (2022), Feeling lucky: How framing the target product as free gift enhances purchase intention,International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39(2), 349-363.
2. Li Yongli, Chao Liu, Chuang Wei, Xiaochen Ma (2022), Referral strategy based on social network incentive,IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 10.1109/TCSS.2022.3230876
3. 于兆吉,朱曼菱,魏闯(2022),在线预防性服务补救对消费者宽恕的影响,管理工程学报
4. Zhao Yingzi, Zhaoji Yu, Chuang Wei (2022), Research on trust mechanism transmission model of social e-commerce based on evolutionary game,Annals of Operations Research, 10.1007/s10479-022-04618-2
5. Wei Chuang,ZhaojiYu, and Yongli Li (2021), Empathy impairs virtue: The influence of empathy and vulnerability on charitable giving,Internet Research, 31 (5), 1803-1822.
6. Wei Chuang,MaggieWenjing Liu, and Hean Tat Keh (2020),The road to consumer forgiveness is paved with money or apology? The roles of empathy and power in service recovery,Journal of Business Research, 118(9), 321-334.
7. Li, Yongli,Sihan Li,Chuang Wei, and Jiaming Liu (2020), “How students’ friendship network affects their GPA ranking: A data-driven approach linking friendship with daily behavior,”Information Technology & People, 33 (2),535-553.
8. 杨璐,刘文静,魏闯:品牌国际化中如何打造“中国名片”,《清华管理评论》专题研究,2019,3月刊,26-32。
1.The Road to Consumer Forgiveness is Paved with Money or Apology? The Role of Consumer Power in Service Recovery, Association for Consumer Research Conference 2019, Atlanta.
2.Emotion Or Information Effects of Online Social Support on Customer Engagement, Association for Consumer Research Conference 2018, Dallas, Texas.
3.Eliciting Consumers’ Forgiveness in Service Failures: Roles of Emotion, Money, and Power, AMA Summer Academic Conference 2018, Boston.
4.Relational Greeting: When and When not to Treat Your Consumers as Family, Association for Consumer Research Conference 2017, California, San Diego.
5.Reassigning a Country to my In-Group: Heritage Image and Country of Origin Effect, 2017 Annual Judgment and Decision-Making Conference (JDM), Vancouver.