



















1.The Dilemma of Direct Selling in China,Yuexin Miao,Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research (AEBMR), Volume 37, Atlantis Press,2017.











Yuexin MIAO



Dept. of Marketing, Business School

Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE)

Beijing 100081, P.R.China



E-mail: myx@cufe.edu.cn

Research Interests

·Brand Management

·Marketing Ethics

·Marketing Channel

·Tourism Marketing

Education and Visiting Background

·PH.D in Economics,Central University of Finance and Economics, July 2002

·M. D. in Economics,Central University of Finance and Economics, May 1993

·B. D. in Economics,Statistics and Planning Department, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, July 1987

·Visiting Scholar,University of Oregon, USA, Mar. 2013.

Teaching Areas

·For Undergraduates:Marketing, Brand Management, Marketing Channel Management

·For M.A. Candidates:Tourism Enterprise Management

Major Journal Publications

1. Exploring of Financial Innovative Talent Training Mechanism Based on STP Marketing Strategy (in Chinese),

Higher Finance Education Research(2014).1/3.

2. On the Luxury Tax Policy from Perspective of Marketing Ethics (in Chinese),

Journal of Taxation Research(2012). 1/1.

3. The Direction of Tax Policy for Regional Coordinated Development of Tourism Industry (in Chinese),

Higher Finance Education Research(2012). 1/1.

4. Research on the Evaluation System of Marketing Ethics Based on the Key Financial Index (in Chinese),

Finance and Accounting(2012). 1/1.

5. The Value and Application of Moral Capital in Marketing (in Chinese),

Journal of Guangxi University of Nationalities (Philosophy and Social Science Edition)(2011).1/1.

6. Research on the Property Tax (in Chinese),Journal of Taxation Research(2011), 1/1.

7. The Strategy of Proportion Analysis and Total Amount Control of Administrative Expenses in China (in Chinese),

Journal of Public Finance Research(2011).1/1.

8. Research on the Causes and Resolutions of the Absence of Public Administration Ethics (in Chinese),

Chinese Public Administration(2011).1/1.

9. Study on the Influence of Financial Experimental Teaching on the Practical and Innovation Ability of

Undergraduates (in Chinese), Chinese University Teaching(2011).1/2.

10. Research on the Tax Policy for Promoting the Development of Tourism Consumption in China (in Chinese),

Journal of Taxation Research(2010). 1/1.

11. Exploring the Development of Direct Selling Industry in China Under the Current Regulations (in Chinese),

Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics(2009). 1/1.

12. The Potential Influence of Cultural Communication in Marketing Channels (in Chinese),

Journal of Beijing Printing University(2010). 1/1.

13. Research on Asset Injection and Its Value Measurement (in Chinese),

Finance and Accounting(2008). 1/1.

14. With marketing to promote domestic demand,People’s Forum. Yuexin Miao (2009). 1/1.

Major Books and Chapters

1. Yuexin Miao (2012),Analysis on Marketing Ethics and the Change of Management Thinking (in Chinese),

Economic Science Press.

2. Xiaohong Zhang, Yuexin Miao, et. al (2012),

The Innovative Talents Training Mode Research Based on The Perspective of University of Finance

and Economics (in Chinese), Economic Science Press. 2/3.

3. Yuexin Miao (eds.) (2011),Marketing (3rd Edition) (in Chinese), Tsinghua University Press.

4. Lifen Zhao, Yuexin Miao, et. al (2009),Management Theory and Practice (2nd edition)(in Chinese)

Tsinghua University Press.

5. Yuexin Miao (eds.) (2011),Marketing Principles (in Chinese), China financial and economic publishing house.

6. Yuexin Miao (eds.) (2008),Marketing Theory and Practice (2nd Edition)(in Chinese), Tsinghua University Press.

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