2018.09-2023.06 清华大学经济管理学院(博士学位)专业:创新创业与战略
2014.09-2018.06 北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院(学士学位) 专业:工商管理
1. Zixu Liu, Jianghua Zhou, Jizhen Li.How do family firms respond strategically to the digital transformation trend: Disclosing symbolic cues or making substantive changes?Journal of Business Research. 2023, 155(1): 113395.
2. Jianghua Zhou,Zixu Liu*, Jizhen Li, Gupeng Zhang. Foreign Equity, Exporting and Firm Innovation: An Emerging Market Perspective.Journal of Technology Transfer. 2021, 46(3): 606-628.
3. Jianghua Zhou,Zixu Liu#*, Jizhen Li, Gupeng Zhang. The Effects of Collaboration with Different Partners: A Contingency Model.IEEE: Transactions on Engineering Management. 2020, 68(6): 1546-1557.
4. Jizhen Li,Zixu Liu, Jianghua Zhou. How to Become the chosen one in Artificial Intelligence market: The evidence from China.International Journal of Technology Management. 2020, 84(1-2): 8-24.
5. Jianghua Zhou, Jizhen Li, Hao Jiao, Hang Qiu,Zixu Liu. The More Funding the Better? The Moderating Role of Knowledge Stock on the Effects of Different Government-Funded Research Projects on Firm Innovation in Chinese Cultural and Creative Industries,Technovation. 2020. 92-93: 102059.
6. 刘子諝,周江华,李纪珍.传统行业民营企业数字化转型战略选择——“释放信号”还是“真刀实干”.科学学与科学技术管理.已录用待刊出.
7. 李纪珍,刘子諝*.光伏企业何以在补贴退坡中实现“逆势研发”?中国软科学. 2023(10):34-43.
8. 刘子諝,周江华,李纪珍.过犹不及:财政补贴对企业创新的多重作用机制分析.科学学与科学技术管理. 2019(1):51-64.
9. 周江华,李纪珍,刘子諝.双重机会窗口下管理认知模式与创新追赶路径选择——以中国风电产业的后发企业为例.中国工业经济. 2022(3):171-188.
10. 周江华,李纪珍,李碧清,刘子諝.合作与企业国际化创新:政府参与的调节作用.科研管理. 2018(5):46-55.
11. 周江华,李纪珍,刘子諝,李子彪.政府创新政策对企业创新绩效的影响机制.技术经济. 2017(1):57-65.
12. 周江华,刘子諝,邱航.知识创造企业未来.清华管理评论. 2017(Z1):67-73.
注:#=共同第一作者,* =通讯作者