发布日期 :2021-05-14


讲座题目:Effects of In-house Production on Channel Structures in a Co-opetitive Supply Chain under Supply Uncertainty


主讲人:林峰  讲师


讲座时间:2021年5月24日(周一) 14:00-16:00






林峰,西安交通大学博士和香港城市大学博士(联合培养),福州大学经济与管理学院讲师,硕士生导师,入选福州大学“旗山学者”(海外项目)奖励支持计划。主要从事供应链金融下运作管理、跨境供应链下竞合决策等领域研究。已在Omega,OR Society,CIE,EJOR、运筹与管理等国内外知名期刊发表论文15篇。



In a co-opetitive supply chain, an upstream contract manufacturer (CM) is more likely to not only supply specified products to an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) but also to directly compete with the OEM by offering customers substitutable products. Further, when supply uncertainty is involved, the OEM will face not only more fierce competition in the downstream market but also more unreliable delivery of components. Thus, in a co-opetitive supply chain, this paper assumes that the OEM adopts in-house production when outsourcing products from the CM with supply uncertainty. Specifically, in this paper, the CM's effective production cost is firstly defined to quantify impacts of supply uncertainty on the equilibrium of channel structures. Based on this, the insourcing effect is proposed firstly to measure the incentive for the OEM to adopt in-house production, and the marketing gap effect is firstly proposed to indicate when the CM adopts direct selling. Further, under joint influences of these effects, equilibriums of channel structures of a co-opetitive supply chain can be correctly proven.

上一篇:伟德国际victor1946学术讲座:“来自于实践的管理学探索”——质化研究工作坊 下一篇:伟德国际victor1946博士生科研能力提升项目(第一期第2讲)


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