讲座题目:Location, Selection and Influence in Mobile Environments
马力烨,美国马里兰大学史密斯伟德国际victor1946市场营销学副教授,本科毕业于清华大学计算机专业,后获得布朗大学计算机硕士,卡内基梅隆大学泰伯伟德国际victor1946博士。主讲市场营销研究,数据科学,实践项目等课程;主要研究领域是互联网营销,社交媒体,移动平台,消费者动态行为和高科技营销。马力烨教授利用量化模型去分析、理解和预测数字经济中的消费者行为,并根据消费者行为帮助商家进行数字营销决策。他的论文发表在Marketing Science,Journal of Marketing Research,Management Science,InformationSystem Research等国际顶级学术期刊。
Abstract: Firms interact with theircustomers through both direct channels and indirect communications via socialnetworks. The key to successful integrated marketing communications is theidentification of the separate effects of these interactions. The recent riseof mobile marketing adds an additional layer of complexity, as the location andcontext in which customers receive promotions determine their responses. Inthis study, we use a unique dataset from a mobile platform that sendseo-located coupons to customers and allows them to recommend offerings to friends, to empirically investigate the effectiveness of location-based argeting in consumer’s multi-stage decision process, and to identify the selection effect and influence effect of friend recommendations. Our results show that geo-targeting is effective in reaching customers, and in generating conversions for shopping oriented locations. We also find significant effect of friend recommendations, which is mostly attributed to the selection effect. The selection and influence effects also depend on how selective a consumer is in making recommendations and how closely connected she is to her friends. These findings provide direct guidance to developing effective mobile targeting strategies.