伟德国际victor1946学术论坛:Who can be approached? A cross-cultural study about social distance in 53 regions
发布日期 :2016-01-04

报告题目:Who can be approached? A cross-cultural study about social distance in 53 regions



报告人:AgnieszkaSorokowska, University of Wroclaw



报告地点:伟德国际victor1946学院南路校区14 1411



内容简介:Personal space is an essential feature of individuals’ social behavior in relation to their physical environment and social interactions (Hall, 1966; Sommer, 1979; Hayduk, 1983). It is a distance we maintain in interpersonal interactions, or in other words a “breathing space”, an abstract space that surrounds each individual (Hall, 1966; Madanipour, 2003; Sommer, 1969), similar either to a shell, a soap bubble, or aura (Sommer, 1969). Personal space helps to regulate intimacy in social situations by controlling sensory exposure (Hall, 1966). The possibility of visual, tactile, auditory, and olfactory stimulation is enhanced at closer distances. In this presentation, the author will demonstrate their recent findings concerning personal distance conducted in 53 regions around the world, and provide new sights in social distance theory across cultures.


 波兰Wroclaw大学助理教授,现已发表SSCI国际期刊论文40余篇,并于2014年获得人类形态学协会颁发的Linda Mealey奖。研究领域聚焦在文化心理学

上一篇:伟德国际victor1946学术论坛:PATRIARCHY, PARTNERSHIP, OR CHAOS: A CONFIGURATIONAL EXPLORATION OF FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS, GOVERNANCE, AND FIRM PERFORMANCE 下一篇:伟德国际victor1946学术论坛:Meaning of love - a study among hunter-gatherers


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