主讲题目:The Influence of Political Skill on Salespersons’ Work Outcomes: A Resource Perspective
主讲人:孙弓 伟德国际victor1946
主讲时间: 2015年12月9日(周三),下午12:30
In this article, we investigate the resource-basedmechanism underlying the relationship betweenpolitical skill and salespersons' work outcomes. Specifically,we propose that political skill influences salespersons'sales performance and job satisfaction throughorganizational resources and salesperson-customer (s-c)guanxi, which serve as their internal and external resources.To examine our model, we collected data from 203salespersons working at a large financial services institutionin China. The findings reveal that both access toresources and build-up of s-c guanxi mediate the effect ofpolitical skill on salespersons' work outcomes. Moreover,access to resources and build-up of s-c guanxi interact topredict salespersons’ sales performance and job satisfaction.Implications and future research directions arediscussed.
孙弓,现任伟德国际victor1946市场营销系讲师。研究领域包括文化与消费行为,跨文化社会心理,社会影响与决策过程,客户关系管理等。尤其对东西方文化中的行为差异有着浓厚的兴趣,亦对跨文化心理及行为研究中的理论及方法问题有较深的见解。其研究成果发表在包括《Journal of Business Ethics》、《International Marketing Review》、《International Journal of Market Research》在内的多本商学及心理学SSCI期刊。